
Zoom Steps... I think better )))

vruzin opened this issue · 1 comments

vruzin commented

lock_sizes = [1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1]

self.zoom_w = self.source_w_raw * zoom.lock_sizes[zoom.lock_size]
self.zoom_h = self.source_h_raw * zoom.lock_sizes[zoom.lock_size]
zoom.lock_size = zoom.lock_size + 1
if len(zoom.lock_sizes)<=zoom.lock_size :
        zoom.lock_size = 0

How would this be reasonably implemented?

  • Should there be a step up and step down hotkey? Cycling through does not appear to be smooth behavior when presenting through OBS.
  • Should the number of steps be determined arbitrarily by the user?
  • If so, should there be an arbitrary number of hotkeys to jump to each step? It would be unwieldy to create more and more hotkeys.