- 3
8k monitor support - no zoom sources
#80 opened by ktsaou - 6
Error when press hot key
#79 opened by orsgah - 2
After closing OBS I receive A Crash Notice
#77 opened by LEOsMIND - 3
After restart script isnt working anymore
#68 opened by Helpmysonplease - 3
- 9
- 8
Source list is empty [Linux]
#74 opened by Vashinator - 4
Zoom source empty list
#67 opened by tbiernat - 2
Empty zoom source list [Linux] [BSPWM]
#76 opened by Flinner - 13
Allow setting custom screen dimensions
#54 opened by HQRaja - 2
What is Zoom Source
#69 opened by AmrShalaby - 2
don't work
#66 opened by pedrinj66 - 1
No properties available
#72 opened by meanbutnice - 2
No properties available
#70 opened by super-ibby - 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32api'
#71 opened by Leondrix - 2
Issue with KeyError: 'source'
#65 opened by AlexBsalas - 2
Zoom Fails to run in a Scene Collection
#50 opened by TheFlatNoodle - 1
obs_hotkey_save issue
#64 opened by joomlaproffs - 2
KeyError: 1 in update_monitor_dim
#60 opened by ngriffin7a - 2
Option to Zoom and follow cursor in one command
#62 opened by IshanJ25 - 4
- 4
Mouse movement being picked from incorrect monitor
#58 opened by HQRaja - 1
#59 opened by ganderson-cs - 6
Fails on window capture, type browser
#43 opened by leifbeaton - 2
- 0
Master + hotfix not working with OBS 27.2.4
#56 opened by ScottDobyns - 9
Unable to Launch Script
#39 opened by micky3knuckles - 5
Zoom in the upper left corner after pressing hotkey and zooms further in when pressing again
#51 opened by royselbach - 2
Error log. No zoom or follow.
#41 opened by NeilWindbourne - 2
No mouse follow after zoom.
#38 opened by gabe-over - 31
- 5
script on Linux openSUSE Tumbleweed
#33 opened by ivoermejo - 1
Trigger from One Zoom Level to Another
#23 opened by brucerothwell - 1
Script failed to load Ubuntu 22.04
#36 opened by AlexTeixeira - 1
How to make it work with OBS Flatpak?
#42 opened by mmBesar - 3
Problem Trying to get monitor capture
#46 opened by LaeDev - 6
Doesn't work correctly, zooms to single pixel
#45 opened by IshanJ25 - 3
- 2
- 1
[SOS] Zoom and Follow Script not Loading
#37 opened by drewbrockbank - 31
- 1
AttributeError: module 'obspython' has no attribute 'obs_get_frame_interval_ns'
#47 opened by sdfdger - 4
Not working after restarting OBS (2560x1440 dual monitors stacked vertically)
#35 opened by julianmateu - 5
- 1
Zoom in option
#21 opened by knkrth - 1
active border
#27 opened by amandabruh - 1
Active Border above 0.16 causes flicker
#28 opened by bazz1tv - 4
Getting this when using with Ubuntu 21.10
#29 opened by realwumbl3 - 2
multiscreem issue
#30 opened by louwelyn-jeremy - 3
Syntax error: Line 7
#22 opened by schmittyd