
[Bug]: 编辑应用信息后打开应用列表报异常

Closed this issue · 2 comments

部署方式 | How to Deploy

使用一键部署脚本 | Using zealot-docker on-click install (Default)

部署版本 | Version

nightly (Default)

反代服务 | Reverse Proxy



可受信任的证书 Verified SSL

已阅读文档 | Read the document

  • 已阅读 | Yes

描述 | Description

修改 渠道 还是 app 名字. 会导致 app 页面打不开

问题日志 | Relevant log output

zealot-zealot-1    | method=GET path=/ format=html controller=DashboardsController action=index status=200 allocations=78989 duration=195.51 view=155.96 db=20.65 time=2023-10-26 10:15:08 +0800 ip= username=管理员
zealot-zealot-1    | method=GET path=/apps format=html controller=AppsController action=index status=500 allocations=29095 duration=65.56 view=0.00 db=11.90 time=2023-10-26 10:15:11 +0800 exception=["ActionView::Template::Error", "Release#scheme delegated to channel.scheme, but channel is nil: #<Release id: 24, channel_id: 13, bundle_id: \"com.lanyou.base.ilinkdev\", version: 1, release_version: \"\", build_version: \"1297\", release_type: nil, source: \"web\", branch: \"\", git_commit: \"\", icon: \"ic_launcher_dev.png\", ci_url: \"\", changelog: [], file: \"iLinkDevelop-release.apk\", created_at: \"2023-10-23 20:36:54.761177000 +0800\", updated_at: \"2023-10-23 20:37:08.852705000 +0800\", custom_fields: [], name: \"测试版\", device_type: \"phone\">"] exception_object=Release#scheme delegated to channel.scheme, but channel is nil: #<Release id: 24, channel_id: 13, bundle_id: "com.lanyou.base.ilinkdev", version: 1, release_version: "", build_version: "1297", release_type: nil, source: "web", branch: "", git_commit: "", icon: "ic_launcher_dev.png", ci_url: "", changelog: [], file: "iLinkDevelop-release.apk", created_at: "2023-10-23 20:36:54.761177000 +0800", updated_at: "2023-10-23 20:37:08.852705000 +0800", custom_fields: [], name: "测试版", device_type: "phone"> ip= username=管理员

Thanks for opening this issue, a maintainer will get back to you shortly!

能够详细步骤描述问题吗,错误确实看到上报了,但我修改渠道名称或者时修改 app 名称都没有遇到此问题。另外你是用的 nightly 是早期的版本,可以尝试更新到最新的 nightly 再试试。