
Validation Losses

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Hi there, please can somebody help me to calculate the validation losses.

Thank you

trzy commented

I don't print the validation losses because the model accuracy metric is mAP. However, it should be relatively straightforward to do so. Check out train_step() here to see how loss is computed (the total loss is the sum of all these components). It should be possible without too much difficulty to compute this in predict() as well and return it along with the scored boxes. model.predict() is used in in the evaluate() function, which runs inference over each sample in the validation dataset.

trzy commented

Very good point! This project was just intended to replicate Faster R-CNN on the data the paper used but this would be super useful for training on custom data. As an aside, adding a better data loader with a simpler format for organizing the data could be very useful. I just don't know if anyone is using Faster R-CNN for anything other than educational purposes these days.

trzy commented

To follow up: modifying predict() will be a little more work than I let on because you need a way to pass in the ground truth to compute loss. What you really want is another function like train_step() that doesn't update the weights. Perhaps a dedicated model.evaluate() is needed or optional parameters to model.predict() allowing the ground truth data to be passed in.

@trzy , So I tried to add to the following script to calculate the validation losses:

# Faster R-CNN in PyTorch and TensorFlow 2 w/ Keras
# tf2/FasterRCNN/
# Copyright 2021-2022 Bart Trzynadlowski
# Main module for the TensorFlow/Keras implementation of Faster R-CNN. Run this
# from the root directory, e.g.:
# python -m tf2.FasterRCNN --help

# ----
# - Investigate the removal of tf.stop_gradient() from regression loss
#   functions and how to debug its adverse effect on training. How would we
#   have known to use this if we had not noticed it in a different code base?

import argparse
import numpy as np
import os
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
import tensorflow as tf

from .statistics import TrainingStatistics
from .statistics import PrecisionRecallCurveCalculator
from .datasets import voc
from .models import faster_rcnn
from .models import vgg16
from .models import math_utils
from .models import anchors
from . import utils
from . import visualize

def render_anchors():
  training_data = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = options.train_split, augment = False, shuffle = False)
  if not os.path.exists(options.dump_anchors):
  print("Rendering anchors from '%s' to set '%s'..." % (options.train_split, options.dump_anchors))
  for sample in iter(training_data):
    output_path = os.path.join(options.dump_anchors, "anchors_" + os.path.basename(sample.filepath) + ".png")
      output_path = output_path,
      image = sample.image,
      anchor_map = sample.anchor_map,
      anchor_valid_map = sample.anchor_valid_map,
      gt_rpn_map = sample.gt_rpn_map,
      gt_boxes = sample.gt_boxes

def _sample_rpn_minibatch(rpn_map, object_indices, background_indices, rpn_minibatch_size):
  Selects anchors for training and produces a copy of the RPN ground truth
  map with only those anchors marked as trainable.

  rpn_map : np.ndarray
    RPN ground truth map of shape
    (batch_size, height, width, num_anchors, 6).
  object_indices : List[np.ndarray]
    For each image in the batch, a map of shape (N, 3) of indices (y, x, k)
    of all N object anchors in the RPN ground truth map.
  background_indices : List[np.ndarray]
    For each image in the batch, a map of shape (M, 3) of indices of all M
    background anchors in the RPN ground truth map.

    A copy of the RPN ground truth map with index 0 of the last dimension
    recomputed to include only anchors in the minibatch.
  assert rpn_map.shape[0] == 1, "Batch size must be 1"
  assert len(object_indices) == 1, "Batch size must be 1"
  assert len(background_indices) == 1, "Batch size must be 1"
  positive_anchors = object_indices[0]
  negative_anchors = background_indices[0]
  assert len(positive_anchors) + len(negative_anchors) >= rpn_minibatch_size, "Image has insufficient anchors for RPN minibatch size of %d" % rpn_minibatch_size
  assert len(positive_anchors) > 0, "Image does not have any positive anchors"
  assert rpn_minibatch_size % 2 == 0, "RPN minibatch size must be evenly divisible"

  # Sample, producing indices into the index maps
  num_positive_anchors = len(positive_anchors)
  num_negative_anchors = len(negative_anchors)
  num_positive_samples = min(rpn_minibatch_size // 2, num_positive_anchors) # up to half the samples should be positive, if possible
  num_negative_samples = rpn_minibatch_size - num_positive_samples          # the rest should be negative
  positive_anchor_idxs = random.sample(range(num_positive_anchors), num_positive_samples)
  negative_anchor_idxs = random.sample(range(num_negative_anchors), num_negative_samples)

  # Construct index expressions into RPN map
  positive_anchors = positive_anchors[positive_anchor_idxs]
  negative_anchors = negative_anchors[negative_anchor_idxs]
  trainable_anchors = np.concatenate([ positive_anchors, negative_anchors ])
  batch_idxs = np.zeros(len(trainable_anchors), dtype = int)
  trainable_idxs = (batch_idxs, trainable_anchors[:,0], trainable_anchors[:,1], trainable_anchors[:,2], 0)

  # Create a copy of the RPN map with samples set as trainable
  rpn_minibatch_map = rpn_map.copy()
  rpn_minibatch_map[:,:,:,:,0] = 0
  rpn_minibatch_map[trainable_idxs] = 1

  return rpn_minibatch_map

def _convert_training_sample_to_model_input(sample, mode):
    gt_box_corners = np.array([box.corners for box in sample.gt_boxes]).astype(np.float32)
    gt_box_class_idxs = np.array([box.class_index for box in sample.gt_boxes]).astype(np.int32)
    image_data = np.expand_dims(sample.image_data, axis=0)
    image_shape_map = np.array([[image_data.shape[1], image_data.shape[2], image_data.shape[3]]])
    anchor_map = np.expand_dims(sample.anchor_map, axis=0)
    anchor_valid_map = np.expand_dims(sample.anchor_valid_map, axis=0)
    gt_rpn_map = np.expand_dims(sample.gt_rpn_map, axis=0)
    gt_rpn_object_indices = [sample.gt_rpn_object_indices]
    gt_rpn_background_indices = [sample.gt_rpn_background_indices]
    gt_box_corners = np.expand_dims(gt_box_corners, axis=0)
    gt_box_class_idxs = np.expand_dims(gt_box_class_idxs, axis=0)
    gt_rpn_minibatch_map = _sample_rpn_minibatch(
    if mode == "train":
        x = [image_data, anchor_map, anchor_valid_map, gt_rpn_minibatch_map, gt_box_class_idxs, gt_box_corners]
    elif mode == "validation":
        x = [image_data, anchor_map, anchor_valid_map, gt_rpn_map, gt_box_class_idxs, gt_box_corners]
    else:  # "infer"
        x = [image_data, anchor_map, anchor_valid_map]
    return x, image_data, gt_rpn_minibatch_map

def evaluate(model, eval_data = None, num_samples = None, plot = False, print_average_precisions = False):
  if eval_data is None:
    eval_data = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = options.eval_split, augment = False, shuffle = False)
  if num_samples is None:
    num_samples = eval_data.num_samples
  precision_recall_curve = PrecisionRecallCurveCalculator()
  i = 0
  print("Evaluating '%s'..." % eval_data.split)
  for sample in tqdm(iterable = iter(eval_data), total = num_samples):
    x, image_data, _ = _convert_training_sample_to_model_input(sample = sample, mode = "infer")
    scored_boxes_by_class_index = model.predict_on_batch(x = x, score_threshold = 0.05) # lower threshold score for evaluation
      scored_boxes_by_class_index = scored_boxes_by_class_index,
      gt_boxes = sample.gt_boxes
    i += 1
    if i >= num_samples:
  if print_average_precisions:
    precision_recall_curve.print_average_precisions(class_index_to_name = voc.Dataset.class_index_to_name)
  mean_average_precision = 100.0 * precision_recall_curve.compute_mean_average_precision()
  print("Mean Average Precision = %1.2f%%" % mean_average_precision)
  if plot:
    precision_recall_curve.plot_average_precisions(class_index_to_name = voc.Dataset.class_index_to_name)
  return mean_average_precision

def train(model):
  print("Training Parameters")
  print("Initial weights           : %s" % (options.load_from if options.load_from else "Keras VGG-16 ImageNet weights"))
  print("Dataset                   : %s" % options.dataset_dir)
  print("Training split            : %s" % options.train_split)
  print("Evaluation split          : %s" % options.eval_split)
  print("Epochs                    : %d" % options.epochs)
  print("Optimizer                 : %s" % options.optimizer)
  print("Learning rate             : %f" % options.learning_rate)
  print("Gradient norm clipping    : %s" % ("disabled" if options.clipnorm <= 0 else ("%f" % options.clipnorm)))
  print("SGD momentum              : %f" % options.momentum)
  print("Adam Beta-1               : %f" % options.beta1)
  print("Adam Beta-2               : %f" % options.beta2)
  print("Weight decay              : %f" % options.weight_decay)
  print("Dropout                   : %f" % options.dropout)
  print("RoI pooling implementation: %s" % ("custom" if options.custom_roi_pool else "crop-and-resize w/ max pool"))
  print("Detector output           : %s" % ("logits" if options.detector_logits else "probabilities"))
  print("Augmentation              : %s" % ("disabled" if options.no_augment else "enabled"))
  print("Edge proposals            : %s" % ("excluded" if options.exclude_edge_proposals else "included"))
  print("CSV log                   : %s" % ("none" if not options.log_csv else options.log_csv))
  print("Checkpoints               : %s" % ("disabled" if not options.checkpoint_dir else options.checkpoint_dir))
  print("Final weights file        : %s" % ("none" if not options.save_to else options.save_to))
  print("Best weights file         : %s" % ("none" if not options.save_best_to else options.save_best_to))
  training_data = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = options.train_split, augment = not options.no_augment, shuffle = True, cache = options.cache_images)
  eval_data = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = options.eval_split, augment = False, shuffle = False, cache = False)
  if options.checkpoint_dir and not os.path.exists(options.checkpoint_dir):
  if options.log_csv:
    csv = utils.CSVLog(options.log_csv)
  if options.save_best_to:
    best_weights_tracker = utils.BestWeightsTracker(filepath = options.save_best_to)
  for epoch in range(1, 1 + options.epochs):
    print("Epoch %d/%d" % (epoch, options.epochs))
    stats = TrainingStatistics()
    progbar = tqdm(iterable = iter(training_data), total = training_data.num_samples, postfix = stats.get_progbar_postfix())
    for sample in progbar:
      x, image_data, gt_rpn_minibatch_map = _convert_training_sample_to_model_input(sample = sample, mode = "train")
      losses = model.train_on_batch(x = x, y = gt_rpn_minibatch_map, return_dict = True)
      stats.on_training_step(losses = losses)

    val_stats = TrainingStatistics()
    for val_sample in iter(eval_data):
        val_x, _, val_gt_rpn_map = _convert_training_sample_to_model_input(sample=val_sample, mode="validation")
        val_losses = model.evaluate(x=val_x, y=val_gt_rpn_map, return_dict=True, verbose=0)
    print("Validation Losses:", val_stats.get_progbar_postfix())
    last_epoch = epoch == options.epochs
    mean_average_precision = evaluate(
      model = model,
      eval_data = eval_data,
      num_samples = options.periodic_eval_samples,
      plot = False,
      print_average_precisions = False
    if options.checkpoint_dir:
      checkpoint_file = os.path.join(options.checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint-epoch-%d-mAP-%1.1f.h5" % (epoch, mean_average_precision))
      model.save_weights(filepath = checkpoint_file, overwrite = True, save_format = "h5")
      print("Saved model checkpoint to '%s'" % checkpoint_file)
    if options.log_csv:
      log_items = {
        "epoch": epoch,
        "learning_rate": options.learning_rate,
        "clipnorm": options.clipnorm,
        "momentum": options.momentum,
        "beta1": options.beta1,
        "beta2": options.beta2,
        "weight_decay": options.weight_decay,
        "dropout": options.dropout,
        "mAP": mean_average_precision
    if options.save_best_to:
      best_weights_tracker.on_epoch_end(model = model, mAP = mean_average_precision)
  if options.save_to:
    model.save_weights(filepath = options.save_to, overwrite = True, save_format = "h5")
    print("Saved final model weights to '%s'" % options.save_to)
  if options.save_best_to:
    best_weights_tracker.restore_and_save_best_weights(model = model)
  print("Evaluating %s model on all samples in '%s'..." % (("best" if options.save_best_to else "final"), options.eval_split))  # evaluate final or best model on full dataset
    model = model,
    eval_data = eval_data,
    num_samples = eval_data.num_samples,
    plot = options.plot,
    print_average_precisions = True

def _predict(model, image_data, image, show_image, output_path):
  anchor_map, anchor_valid_map = anchors.generate_anchor_maps(image_shape = image_data.shape, feature_pixels = 16)
  anchor_map = np.expand_dims(anchor_map, axis = 0)                                                 # convert to batch size of 1
  anchor_valid_map = np.expand_dims(anchor_valid_map, axis = 0)                                     # ""
  image_data = np.expand_dims(image_data, axis = 0)                                                 # convert to batch size of 1: (1,height,width,3)
  image_shape_map = np.array([ [ image_data.shape[1], image_data.shape[2], image_data.shape[3] ] ]) # (1,3), with (height,width,channels)
  x = [ image_data, anchor_map, anchor_valid_map ]
  scored_boxes_by_class_index = model.predict_on_batch(x = x, score_threshold = 0.7)
    output_path = output_path,
    show_image = show_image,
    image = image,
    scored_boxes_by_class_index = scored_boxes_by_class_index,
    class_index_to_name = voc.Dataset.class_index_to_name

def predict_one(model, url, show_image, output_path):
  from .datasets.image import load_image
  image_data, image, _, _ = load_image(url = url, min_dimension_pixels = 600)
  _predict(model = model, image_data = image_data, image = image, show_image = show_image, output_path = output_path)

def predict_all(model, split):
  dirname = "predictions_" + split
  if not os.path.exists(dirname):
  print("Rendering predictions from '%s' set to '%s'..." % (split, dirname))
  dataset = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = split, augment = False, shuffle = False)
  for sample in iter(dataset):
    output_path = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sample.filepath))[0] + ".png")
    _predict(model = model, image_data = sample.image_data, image = sample.image, show_image = False, output_path = output_path)

def create_optimizer():
  kwargs = {}
  if options.clipnorm > 0:
    kwargs = { "clipnorm": options.clipnorm }
  if options.optimizer == "sgd":
    optimizer = SGD(learning_rate = options.learning_rate, momentum = options.momentum, **kwargs)
  elif options.optimizer == "adam":
    optimizer = Adam(learning_rate = options.learning_rate, beta_1 = options.beta1, beta_2 = options.beta2, **kwargs)
    raise ValueError("Optimizer must be 'sgd' for stochastic gradient descent or 'adam' for Adam")
  return optimizer

if __name__ == "__main__":
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("FasterRCNN")
  group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
  group.add_argument("--train", action = "store_true", help = "Train model")
  group.add_argument("--eval", action = "store_true", help = "Evaluate model")
  group.add_argument("--predict", metavar = "url", action = "store", type = str, help = "Run inference on image and display detected boxes")
  group.add_argument("--predict-to-file", metavar = "url", action = "store", type = str, help = "Run inference on image and render detected boxes to 'predictions.png'")
  group.add_argument("--predict-all", metavar = "name", action = "store", type = str, help = "Run inference on all images in the specified dataset split and write to directory 'predictions_${split}'")
  parser.add_argument("--load-from", metavar = "file", action = "store", help = "Load initial model weights from file")
  parser.add_argument("--save-to", metavar = "file", action = "store", help = "Save final trained weights to file")
  parser.add_argument("--save-best-to", metavar = "file", action = "store", help = "Save best weights (highest mean average precision) to file")
  parser.add_argument("--dataset-dir", metavar = "dir", action = "store", default = "VOCdevkit/VOC2007", help = "VOC dataset directory")
  parser.add_argument("--train-split", metavar = "name", action = "store", default = "trainval", help = "Dataset split to use for training")
  parser.add_argument("--eval-split", metavar = "name", action = "store", default = "test", help = "Dataset split to use for evaluation")
  parser.add_argument("--cache-images", action = "store_true", help = "Cache images during training (requires ample CPU memory)")
  parser.add_argument("--periodic-eval-samples", metavar = "count", action = "store", default = 1000, help = "Number of samples to use during evaluation after each epoch")
  parser.add_argument("--checkpoint-dir", metavar = "dir", action = "store", help = "Save checkpoints after each epoch to the given directory")
  parser.add_argument("--plot", action = "store_true", help = "Plots the average precision of each class after evaluation (use with --train or --eval)")
  parser.add_argument("--log-csv", metavar = "file", action = "store", help = "Log training metrics to CSV file")
  parser.add_argument("--epochs", metavar = "count", type = int, action = "store", default = 1, help = "Number of epochs to train for")
  parser.add_argument("--optimizer", metavar = "name", type = str, action = "store", default = "sgd", help = "Optimizer to use (\"sgd\" or \"adam\")")
  parser.add_argument("--learning-rate", metavar = "value", type = float, action = "store", default = 1e-3, help = "Learning rate")
  parser.add_argument("--clipnorm", metavar = "value", type = float, action = "store", default = 0.0, help = "Gradient norm clipping (use 0 for none)")
  parser.add_argument("--momentum", metavar = "value", type = float, action = "store", default = 0.9, help = "SGD momentum")
  parser.add_argument("--beta1", metavar = "value", type = float, action = "store", default = 0.9, help = "Adam beta1 parameter (decay rate for 1st moment estimates)")
  parser.add_argument("--beta2", metavar = "value", type = float, action = "store", default = 0.999, help = "Adam beta2 parameter (decay rate for 2nd moment estimates)")
  parser.add_argument("--weight-decay", metavar = "value", type = float, action = "store", default = 5e-4, help = "Weight decay")
  parser.add_argument("--dropout", metavar = "probability", type = float, action = "store", default = 0.0, help = "Dropout probability after each of the two fully-connected detector layers")
  parser.add_argument("--custom-roi-pool", action = "store_true", help = "Use custom RoI pool implementation instead of TensorFlow crop-and-resize with max-pool (much slower)")
  parser.add_argument("--detector-logits", action = "store_true", help = "Do not apply softmax to detector class output and compute loss from logits directly")
  parser.add_argument("--no-augment", action = "store_true", help = "Disable image augmentation (random horizontal flips) during training")
  parser.add_argument("--exclude-edge-proposals", action = "store_true", help = "Exclude proposals generated at anchors spanning image edges from being passed to detector stage")
  parser.add_argument("--dump-anchors", metavar = "dir", action = "store", help = "Render out all object anchors and ground truth boxes from the training set to a directory")
  parser.add_argument("--debug-dir", metavar = "dir", action = "store", help = "Enable full TensorFlow Debugger V2 logging to specified directory")
  options = parser.parse_args()

  # Run-time environment
  cuda_available = tf.test.is_built_with_cuda()
  gpu_available = tf.test.is_gpu_available(cuda_only = False, min_cuda_compute_capability = None)
  print("CUDA Available : %s" % ("yes" if cuda_available else "no"))
  print("GPU Available  : %s" % ("yes" if gpu_available else "no"))
  print("Eager Execution: %s" % ("yes" if tf.executing_eagerly() else "no"))

  # Perform optional procedures
  if options.dump_anchors:

  # Debug logging
  if options.debug_dir:
    tf.debugging.experimental.enable_dump_debug_info(options.debug_dir, tensor_debug_mode = "FULL_HEALTH", circular_buffer_size = -1)

  # Construct model and load initial weights
  model = faster_rcnn.FasterRCNNModel(
    num_classes = voc.Dataset.num_classes,
    allow_edge_proposals = not options.exclude_edge_proposals,
    custom_roi_pool = options.custom_roi_pool,
    activate_class_outputs = not options.detector_logits,
    l2 = 0.5 * options.weight_decay,
    dropout_probability = options.dropout
    input_shape = [
      (1, None, None, 3),     # input_image: (1, height_pixels, width_pixels, 3)
      (1, None, None, 9 * 4), # anchor_map: (1, height, width, num_anchors * 4)
      (1, None, None, 9),     # anchor_valid_map: (1, height, width, num_anchors)
      (1, None, None, 9, 6),  # gt_rpn_map: (1, height, width, num_anchors, 6)
      (1, None),              # gt_box_class_idxs_map: (1, num_gt_boxes)
      (1, None, 4)            # gt_box_corners_map: (1, num_gt_boxes, 4)
  model.compile(optimizer = create_optimizer()) # losses not needed here because they were baked in at model construction
  if options.load_from:
    model.load_weights(filepath = options.load_from, by_name = True)
    print("Loaded initial weights from '%s'" % options.load_from)
    print("Initialized VGG-16 layers to Keras ImageNet weights")

  # Perform mutually exclusive procedures
  if options.train:
    train(model = model)
  elif options.eval:
    evaluate(model = model, plot = options.plot, print_average_precisions = True)
  elif options.predict:
    predict_one(model = model, url = options.predict, show_image = True, output_path = None)
  elif options.predict_to_file:
    predict_one(model = model, url = options.predict_to_file, show_image = False, output_path = "predictions.png")
  elif options.predict_all:
    predict_all(model = model, split = options.predict_all)
  elif not options.dump_anchors:
    print("Nothing to do. Did you mean to use --train or --predict?")

But I'm getting zero validation losses: Validation Losses: {'rpn_class_loss': '0.0000', 'rpn_regr_loss': '0.0000', 'detector_class_loss': '0.0000', 'detector_regr_loss': '0.0000', 'total_loss': '0.00'}

I've replaced mode.evaluate with model.test_on_batch in the validate section, lets see what happens.

No, that didn’t work either, been looking at it all day.

trzy commented

There is no model.evaluate() as far as I recall. You'd have to write it yourself. You pasted the file. Can you show me how you implemented model.evaluate()?

Of course :)
I made this function to calculate the mAP:

  if eval_data is None:
    eval_data = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = options.eval_split, augment = False, shuffle = False)
  if num_samples is None:
    num_samples = eval_data.num_samples
  precision_recall_curve = PrecisionRecallCurveCalculator()
  i = 0
  print("Evaluating '%s'..." % eval_data.split)
  for sample in tqdm(iterable = iter(eval_data), total = num_samples):
    x, image_data, _ = _convert_training_sample_to_model_input(sample = sample, mode = "infer")
    scored_boxes_by_class_index = model.predict_on_batch(x = x, score_threshold = 0.05) # lower threshold score for evaluation
      scored_boxes_by_class_index = scored_boxes_by_class_index,
      gt_boxes = sample.gt_boxes
    i += 1
    if i >= num_samples:
  if print_average_precisions:
    precision_recall_curve.print_average_precisions(class_index_to_name = voc.Dataset.class_index_to_name)
  mean_average_precision = 100.0 * precision_recall_curve.compute_mean_average_precision()
  print("Mean Average Precision = %1.2f%%" % mean_average_precision)
  if plot:
    precision_recall_curve.plot_average_precisions(class_index_to_name = voc.Dataset.class_index_to_name)
  return mean_average_precision

I updated the convert training sample function to accommodate validation:

    gt_box_corners = np.array([box.corners for box in sample.gt_boxes]).astype(np.float32)
    gt_box_class_idxs = np.array([box.class_index for box in sample.gt_boxes]).astype(np.int32)
    image_data = np.expand_dims(sample.image_data, axis=0)
    image_shape_map = np.array([[image_data.shape[1], image_data.shape[2], image_data.shape[3]]])
    anchor_map = np.expand_dims(sample.anchor_map, axis=0)
    anchor_valid_map = np.expand_dims(sample.anchor_valid_map, axis=0)
    gt_rpn_map = np.expand_dims(sample.gt_rpn_map, axis=0)
    gt_rpn_object_indices = [sample.gt_rpn_object_indices]
    gt_rpn_background_indices = [sample.gt_rpn_background_indices]
    gt_box_corners = np.expand_dims(gt_box_corners, axis=0)
    gt_box_class_idxs = np.expand_dims(gt_box_class_idxs, axis=0)
    gt_rpn_minibatch_map = _sample_rpn_minibatch(
    if mode == "train":
        x = [image_data, anchor_map, anchor_valid_map, gt_rpn_minibatch_map, gt_box_class_idxs, gt_box_corners]
    elif mode == "validation":
        x = [image_data, anchor_map, anchor_valid_map, gt_rpn_map, gt_box_class_idxs, gt_box_corners]
    else:  # "infer"
        x = [image_data, anchor_map, anchor_valid_map]
    return x, image_data, gt_rpn_minibatch_map

Then I updated the train function to incorporate (or try to) log the validation losses:

  print("Training Parameters")
  print("Initial weights           : %s" % (options.load_from if options.load_from else "Keras VGG-16 ImageNet weights"))
  print("Dataset                   : %s" % options.dataset_dir)
  print("Training split            : %s" % options.train_split)
  print("Evaluation split          : %s" % options.eval_split)
  print("Epochs                    : %d" % options.epochs)
  print("Optimizer                 : %s" % options.optimizer)
  print("Learning rate             : %f" % options.learning_rate)
  print("Gradient norm clipping    : %s" % ("disabled" if options.clipnorm <= 0 else ("%f" % options.clipnorm)))
  print("SGD momentum              : %f" % options.momentum)
  print("Adam Beta-1               : %f" % options.beta1)
  print("Adam Beta-2               : %f" % options.beta2)
  print("Weight decay              : %f" % options.weight_decay)
  print("Dropout                   : %f" % options.dropout)
  print("RoI pooling implementation: %s" % ("custom" if options.custom_roi_pool else "crop-and-resize w/ max pool"))
  print("Detector output           : %s" % ("logits" if options.detector_logits else "probabilities"))
  print("Augmentation              : %s" % ("disabled" if options.no_augment else "enabled"))
  print("Edge proposals            : %s" % ("excluded" if options.exclude_edge_proposals else "included"))
  print("CSV log                   : %s" % ("none" if not options.log_csv else options.log_csv))
  print("Checkpoints               : %s" % ("disabled" if not options.checkpoint_dir else options.checkpoint_dir))
  print("Final weights file        : %s" % ("none" if not options.save_to else options.save_to))
  print("Best weights file         : %s" % ("none" if not options.save_best_to else options.save_best_to))
  print("Regularization Losses:")
  if hasattr(model, 'losses'):
      print("No regularization losses found.")

  for metric in model.metrics:
      print(f"{}: {metric}")

  training_data = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = options.train_split, augment = not options.no_augment, shuffle = True, cache = options.cache_images)
  eval_data = voc.Dataset(dir = options.dataset_dir, split = options.eval_split, augment = False, shuffle = False, cache = False)
  if options.checkpoint_dir and not os.path.exists(options.checkpoint_dir):
  if options.log_csv:
    csv = utils.CSVLog(options.log_csv)
  if options.save_best_to:
    best_weights_tracker = utils.BestWeightsTracker(filepath = options.save_best_to)
  for epoch in range(1, 1 + options.epochs):
    print("Epoch %d/%d" % (epoch, options.epochs))
    stats = TrainingStatistics()
    progbar = tqdm(iterable = iter(training_data), total = training_data.num_samples, postfix = stats.get_progbar_postfix())
    for sample in progbar:
      x, image_data, gt_rpn_minibatch_map = _convert_training_sample_to_model_input(sample = sample, mode = "train")
      losses = model.train_on_batch(x = x, y = gt_rpn_minibatch_map, return_dict = True)
      stats.on_training_step(losses = losses)

    val_stats = TrainingStatistics()
    for val_sample in iter(eval_data):
        val_x, _, val_gt_rpn_map = _convert_training_sample_to_model_input(sample=val_sample, mode="validation")  
        total_loss, rpn_class_loss, rpn_bbox_loss, detector_class_loss, detector_bbox_loss = model.validate_on_batch(val_x, val_gt_rpn_map)
        print(f"Validation Losses: Total: {total_loss}, RPN Class: {rpn_class_loss}, RPN BBox: {rpn_bbox_loss}, Detector Class: {detector_class_loss}, Detector BBox: {detector_bbox_loss}")
        #total_loss, rpn_class_loss, rpn_bbox_loss, class_loss, bbox_loss = model.validate_on_batch(val_x, val_gt_rpn_map)
        #print(f"Validation Losses: Total: {total_loss}, RPN Class: {rpn_class_loss}, RPN BBox: {rpn_bbox_loss}, Class: {class_loss}, BBox: {bbox_loss}")
    #     print("Debug: val_x type:", type(val_x), "length:", len(val_x) if isinstance(val_x, list) else "N/A")
    #     print("Debug: val_gt_rpn_map type:", type(val_gt_rpn_map), "length:", len(val_gt_rpn_map) if isinstance(val_gt_rpn_map, list) else "N/A")
    #     if isinstance(val_x, list):
    #             print("Debug: val_x[0] type:", type(val_x[0]))
    #     if isinstance(val_gt_rpn_map, list):
    #         print("Debug: val_gt_rpn_map[0] type:", type(val_gt_rpn_map[0]))
    #     print("Debug: val_gt_rpn_map min:", np.min(val_gt_rpn_map), "max:", np.max(val_gt_rpn_map), "mean:", np.mean(val_gt_rpn_map))
    #     print("Debug: Sample values from val_gt_rpn_map:", val_gt_rpn_map.flatten()[:10])
    #     val_losses = model.test_on_batch(x=val_x, y=val_gt_rpn_map, return_dict=True)
    #     val_stats.on_training_step(losses=val_losses)
    #     print("Valid Losses", val_losses)
    # print("Validation Losses:", val_stats.get_progbar_postfix())
    last_epoch = epoch == options.epochs
    mean_average_precision = evaluate(
      model = model,
      eval_data = eval_data,
      num_samples = options.periodic_eval_samples,
      plot = False,
      print_average_precisions = False
    if options.checkpoint_dir:
      checkpoint_file = os.path.join(options.checkpoint_dir, "checkpoint-epoch-%d-mAP-%1.1f.h5" % (epoch, mean_average_precision))
      model.save_weights(filepath = checkpoint_file, overwrite = True, save_format = "h5")
      print("Saved model checkpoint to '%s'" % checkpoint_file)
    if options.log_csv:
      log_items = {
        "epoch": epoch,
        "learning_rate": options.learning_rate,
        "clipnorm": options.clipnorm,
        "momentum": options.momentum,
        "beta1": options.beta1,
        "beta2": options.beta2,
        "weight_decay": options.weight_decay,
        "dropout": options.dropout,
        "mAP": mean_average_precision
    if options.save_best_to:
      best_weights_tracker.on_epoch_end(model = model, mAP = mean_average_precision)
  if options.save_to:
    model.save_weights(filepath = options.save_to, overwrite = True, save_format = "h5")
    print("Saved final model weights to '%s'" % options.save_to)
  if options.save_best_to:
    best_weights_tracker.restore_and_save_best_weights(model = model)
  print("Evaluating %s model on all samples in '%s'..." % (("best" if options.save_best_to else "final"), options.eval_split))  # evaluate final or best model on full dataset
    model = model,
    eval_data = eval_data,
    num_samples = eval_data.num_samples,
    plot = options.plot,
    print_average_precisions = True

Then initialised the model like this:

  model = faster_rcnn.FasterRCNNModel(
    num_classes = voc.Dataset.num_classes,
    allow_edge_proposals = not options.exclude_edge_proposals,
    custom_roi_pool = options.custom_roi_pool,
    activate_class_outputs = not options.detector_logits,
    l2 = 0.5 * options.weight_decay,
    dropout_probability = options.dropout
    input_shape = [
      (1, None, None, 3),     # input_image: (1, height_pixels, width_pixels, 3)
      (1, None, None, 9 * 4), # anchor_map: (1, height, width, num_anchors * 4)
      (1, None, None, 9),     # anchor_valid_map: (1, height, width, num_anchors)
      (1, None, None, 9, 6),  # gt_rpn_map: (1, height, width, num_anchors, 6)
      (1, None),              # gt_box_class_idxs_map: (1, num_gt_boxes)
      (1, None, 4)            # gt_box_corners_map: (1, num_gt_boxes, 4)
  model.compile(optimizer = create_optimizer()) # losses not needed here because they were baked in at model construction
  if options.load_from:
    model.load_weights(filepath = options.load_from, by_name = True)
    print("Loaded initial weights from '%s'" % options.load_from)
    print("Initialized VGG-16 layers to Keras ImageNet weights")

  # Perform mutually exclusive procedures
  if options.train:
    train(model = model)
  elif options.eval:
    evaluate(model = model, plot = options.plot, print_average_precisions = True)
  elif options.predict:
    predict_one(model = model, url = options.predict, show_image = True, output_path = None)
  elif options.predict_to_file:
    predict_one(model = model, url = options.predict_to_file, show_image = False, output_path = "predictions.png")
  elif options.predict_all:
    predict_all(model = model, split = options.predict_all)
  elif not options.dump_anchors:
    print("Nothing to do. Did you mean to use --train or --predict?")

Anyone any ideas?

That's a mountain of code -- haven't had time to look at it in detail. There's already code to compute mAP.

But I don't see how this is supposed to work. You call validate_on_batch. What is that? Is this the tf2 version? If so, and if validate_on_batch is a Keras method, what is it calling on my FasterRCNN model class? Because the only method there that computes and returns losses is the call function, on line 76 of tf2/FasterRCNN/models/ In that function, you can see that when training is false, I don't bother to compute losses and set them all to infinity because I assume I don't have the ground truth maps available. Those are only passed in when training (training==True).

This is what needs to be fixed. You need to ensure these losses are being computed in however this function is used during validation.