
A simple lunar lander game made with C

Primary LanguageC

Developer                    TANVIR SAJED

lander.c, functions.c and functions_i.c contains all the functions 
that are required by the lander. struct.h, functions.h and functions_i.h
contains the macro, function protypes and struct definitions. lander.c
contains the main() function to run the game.

lander.c has two modes, one using -i, which is for improvements. Another
mode is the normal mode which is to mimick the specific lander given in
assignment 3. My lander was able to mimick all the properties of the given
lander and add some improvements to it in -i mode.My lander rotates, 
falls under gravity after each 0.05 second, and creates thrust just like
the original lander. Also, the shape of the lander is kept the same to
compare behavior.

Improvements added :

1) Improved and intelligent Parsing of command line arguments 

   The lander given to us was efficent but it lacked to differentiate between
   strings and numbers. The game run even if we put a string after the gravity
   and thrust, -g and -t. It was an error that the lander was not able to 
   pick up. 

   My improved lander checks whether the [option] after -g and -t is 
   a number or not. If it is a number the game continues, if it's not a 
   number the game quits. It was an improvement required to make for the
   game to function properly.

2)  Asteriods moving randomly and attracted by gravity, and asteroids 
    can strike and destroy the lander.

    Although the explosion is not visually done, the game can detect
    asteroid collisoins between the lander and the asteroids that are
    created randomly but are under the effect of gravity and their high
    velocity. They fall near the lander, and the lander can crash with
    the asteroids causing the game to quit.But the asteroids do not
    collide with the landscape since it is not required at all. The lander
    needs to escape the asteroids, that's the meaning of the game.

3)  A timer is used to count time, of format mm:ss

    A timer is used to count the time taken to land or any collisions. It
    does not count time of hours, it only counts minutes and seconds.
    However if the game contiues for more than an hour, the minutes will
    increase from 60 and no hour section will be displayed. The timer ends
    when a crash or landing is detected, or if the fuel runs out.

4)  A fuel gauge is displayed at the top right, not nearly the corner. The
    fuel gauge displays the current fuel level of the lander. It is a
    rectangular meter and if the fuel runs out, the game will end printing
    out of fuel. The lander is made to loose fuel after 100 X 0.05 seconds
    if it floats under gravity and rotates. It's because the lander has
    to use fuel to run its machines inside, lights and cabins and 
    electricity. If thrust is used, the lander looses fuel quicker than

5)  Intersection detection is more accurate than sample lander

    When the sample lander intersections and it crashes or lands, 
    its intersection is not accurate, the lander is not placed exactly on
    the land segment that it intersects, part of the lander still inside or 
    outside the line segment. It varies, according to thrust and rotation.

    My improved lander is slightly better than the sample lander in the sense
    it detects intersection better using a different algorithm. My lander
    is closer to the intersected line segment than the sample lander.