
Question about self-hosted-ngrok

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi Jacob. I recently read your article and I was considering using this approach. I am a bit of a noob when it comes to cloud servers, so I am curious what host you would use (the one that will be running the server for tunnel.yourdomain) or recommend using. Would Amazon Lightsail be a good pick for this?

I personally went ahead and just used my small little digital ocean server i have. As is mentioned in the article, most people have something to putz around with so i just went that route. :)

tsani commented

I can't really speak to LightSail as I've never used it before, but as long as it's something you can ssh into and more or less do whatever, it should be fine. My personal recommendation is DigitalOcean. It's pretty cheap and much simpler than AWS in my experience.