
rBASE64 Library for Arduino

Primary LanguageC++

rBASE64 Library for Arduino

Build Status

Real Base64 library is a speed optimized flexible implementations of BASE64 Encoding and Decoding logic.

There are native as well as object oriented functions.

Example 1 : Using the Standard Object

NOTE: Read the Limitations Carefully

#include <rBase64.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {

  rbase64.encode("Hello There, I am doing Good.");

Example 2 : Using the Generic Class to create a special instance

#include <rBase64.h>

rBase64generic<250> mybase64;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  mybase64.encode("There is an electric fire in human nature tending to purify - so that among these human creatures there is  continually some birth of new heroism. The pity is that we must wonder at it, as we should at finding a pearl in rubbish.");




Tip : How to test base64 in Python

At the Python terminal prompt (get this by executing python.exe on Windows or python on Linux terminal) :

>>> import base64
>>> base64.b64encode("Hello There, I am doing Good.")
>>> base64.b64decode("SGVsbG8gVGhlcmUsIEkgYW0gZG9pbmcgR29vZC4=")
'Hello There, I am doing Good.'

This way one can also verify other strings.


Native Implementation

Here is the List of the Native Functions for those who want more Control:

  • size_t rbase64_encode(char *output, char *input, size_t inputLen)

This function helps to Encode the Stream of Bytes provided at the input to output User needs to ensure that that the Output buffer is adequacy sized.

  • size_t rbase64_decode(char *output, char *input, size_t inputLen)

This function helps to Decode the Stream ob Bytes provided at the input to output
User needs to ensure that that the Output buffer is adequacy sized.

  • size_t rbase64_enc_len(size_t inputLen)

This function can be used to ascertain the maximum size of buffer needed to accommodate
the converted BASE64 output

  • size_t rbase64_dec_len(char *input, size_t inputLen)

This function can be used to find out the maximum size of the buffer needed to accommodate
the converted original string from BASE64

OO Default Implementation

Note: The default implementation uses the rBase64generic<100>.

Here is the List of the OO Function in rbase64 object:

  • size_t rbase64.encode(uint8_t *data, size_t length) - For Direct byte Stream

  • size_t rbase64.encode(const char *data) - For NULL Terminated character Array as shown in the Example 1

  • size_t rbase64.encode(String text) - String containing the source

Function to Convert into BASE64 encoded string else returns the Error Codes detailed below

  • size_t rbase64.decode(uint8_t *data, size_t length) - For Direct byte Stream

  • size_t rbase64::decode(const char *data) - For NULL Terminated character Array as shown in the Example 1

  • size_t rbase64::decode(String text) - String containing the source

Function to Convert from BASE64 encoded string else returns the Error Codes detailed below

The Result for all the above conversion function is received by:

  • char * rbase64.result()

Error Codes

  • RBASE64_STATUS_OK = 0 - If Every thing is alright.

  • RABSE64_STATUS_SIZE = 1 - If there is buffer size overflow detected


  • RBASE64_ENC_SIZECALC(x) this can be used to calculate the Constant size of array needed to store the string of size x


WString Library Thread Safe: No Extendable: Yes

Note: The API version 1.1.0 breaks backward compatibility. Please update accordingly.


OO Implementation Limits (rbase64):

  • Can't take Encoding strings more than "100 Characters".
  • Can't Decode the BASE64 strings beyond "136 Characters".
  • Memory usage is approximately 280Bytes in RAM.

The Native Implementation & C++ Generic implementation (rBase64generic) has no such Limitations.

For more information about this library please view the code at http://github.com/boseji/rBASE64


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.