
Error on Android

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi guys. Thanks for the awesome library.

I have no probs with it on iOS, however on Android i'm getting this error:

Got version info: 
error: "Invalid Version: //play.google.com/">"
error: "Invalid Version: //play.google.com/">

I tried that with debug and release versions.

Is it a bug or i just need to test it on the app download from the market?


Can you share a bit more of your code?



hey @tschoffelen, i used your example:

      .then(version => {
        console.log("Got version info:", version);
        if (version.needsUpdate) {
             this.setState({ updateNeeded: true, storeURL: version.url })
      .catch(e => {
        // Error - could not get version info for some reason
        console.log("Failed getting version info:", e);

console.log("Got version info:", version); returns the described error on Android.

On ios all works well.

@tschoffelen were you able to replicate this?

@ziyafenn Apologies for the slow response. This turned out to be a bug on the server-side, which has just been fixed:
