
Can't find required 'less' in your $PATH

51mystic opened this issue · 0 comments

prokka --quiet --cpus 30 --outdir /jinyu/metawrap-o/metawrap-annotate_bins-o/53-metawrap-annotate_bins-o/prokka_out/bin.1 --prefix bin.1 /jinyu/metawrap-o/metawrap-annotate_bins-o/53-metawrap-annotate_bins-o/tmp_bin.fa
[03:15:05] Can't find required 'less' in your $PATH

***** Something possibly went wrong with annotating bin.1. Proceeding anyways *****

***** Something went wrong with annotating bin.1. Exiting... *****

real 0m0.283s
user 0m0.188s
sys 0m0.102s
Dear teacher, hello, I have the above error when running, how to solve it? Looking forward to hearing back soon!