
App for finance

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Finance app

Concept app for doing accounting.

Built in C# with Blazor Web Assembly and ASP.NET Core.

The project also contains a Transactions service and a Invoices service. "Accountant" service is checking invoices.



To build an accounting app with user experience in mind.

Thanks to my friend for giving me the idea to build this app.


  • View accounts (BAS plans) and balances
  • View and create verifications
  • View ledger entries

You can also:

  • Register sale in one form


In order for this to be a functional program:

  • A better template system
  • More specialized views - for other business events


More screenshots

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It is built with C# and Blazor for Web Assembly, and it uses the MudBlazor component library for UI.

The actual logic is in the backend service, and data is stored in a Sqlite database.

The parts are:

  • Frontend Web App
  • Backend with Web API
  • SQL Server database (running in a container)

Development environment

You need to have .NET 6 SDK installed to build this project.

No other dependencies required. Not even Node.

In the terminal, while in Server directory, run the following command:

dotnet run

Expose Blobs via public URL

To publicly expose Blobs via their URLs you have to change Azurite's configuration.

(This requires Azurite to have been run once for the files to be created)

Open the file WebApi/.data/azurite/__azurite_db_blob__.json:

Add the "publicAccess": "blob" key-value in the section shown below:

            "name": "$CONTAINERS_COLLECTION$",
            "data": [
                    "accountName": "devstoreaccount1",
                    "name": "images",
                    "properties": {
                        "etag": "\"0x1C839AE6CDF11F0\"",
                        "lastModified": "2021-05-14T15:08:51.726Z",
                        "leaseStatus": "unlocked",
                        "leaseState": "available",
                        "hasImmutabilityPolicy": false,
                        "hasLegalHold": false,
              --- >  "publicAccess": "blob" <---- 
                   // Omitted

Then, restart Azurite.

Seed data

By default, the database will be (re)created with initial data being seeded eveytime you (re)start the app.

This can be turned on/off in the file Server/Data/Seed.cs.