Add links to papers using code directly or indirectly
tsherwen opened this issue · 0 comments
Build up a list of links where AC_tools has been used in publications etc and add to a README page or wiki. The repository has a citable Zenodo DOI which should be included in publications that use this repository.
Almost all post-2015 papers on Google Scholar profile as led- or co- author (~30 of ~40).
Some recent examples are:
Carpenter, LJ, Chance, RJ, Sherwen, T, Adams, TJ, Ball, SM, Evans, MJ, Hepach, H, Hollis, LDJ, Hughes, C, Jickells, TD, Mahajan, A, Stevens, DP, Tinel, L & Wadley, MR 2021, 'Marine iodine emissions in a changing world', Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 477, no. 2247, 20200824.,
Chance, R.J., Tinel, L., Sherwen, T., Baker, A.R., Bell, T., Brindle, J., Campos, M.L.A., Croot, P., Ducklow, H., Peng, H. and Hopkins, F., 2019. Global sea-surface iodide observations, 1967–2018. Scientific data, 6(1), pp.1-8.
Wang, X., Jacob, D. J., Downs, W., Zhai, S., Zhu, L., Shah, V., Holmes, C. D., Sherwen, T., Alexander, B., Evans, M. J., Eastham, S. D., Neuman, J. A., Veres, P., Koenig, T. K., Volkamer, R., Huey, L. G., Bannan, T. J., Percival, C. J., Lee, B. H., and Thornton, J. A.: Global tropospheric halogen (Cl, Br, I) chemistry and its impact on oxidants, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2021.
Sherwen, T., Chance, R. J., Tinel, L., Ellis, D., Evans, M. J., and Carpenter, L. J.: A machine-learning-based global sea-surface iodide distribution, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1239–1262,, 2019.
Where code or outputs using AC_tools have been included in papers, but not as a co-author.
Hackenberg, S. C., et al. (2017), Potential controls of isoprene in the surface ocean, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 31, 644–662, doi:10.1002/2016GB005531.
Chance, R, Tinel, LLG, Sarkar, A, Sinha, A, Mahajan, A, Chacko, R, Sabu, P, Roy, R, Jickells, T, Stevens, D, Wadley, M & Carpenter, LJ 2020, 'Surface Inorganic Iodine Speciation in the Indian and Southern Oceans From 12°N to 70°S', Frontiers in Marine Science, pp. 1-16.