
Find breaking and non-breaking changes in OpenAPI specs

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

OpenAPI Diff Action

This GitHub Action compares two OpenAPI (3.x) specs to determine if the newer (HEAD) spec introduces breaking or non-breaking changes.

When running on pull_request events, a comment will be added to the PR with a backward compatibility report and human-readable diff, giving PR authors and reviewers greater insight into the implications if merged.

When running on pull_request events, a label will also be added to the PR with the classification (major, minor, or patch) of the diff.


This action needs two OpenAPI spec files to compare in order to run. Your workflow may need to check out multiple branches of a repo or run additional steps to ensure that these files exist.


  • head-spec (required): Local path or http URL to the new (HEAD) OpenAPI spec file. An error will be thrown if the file can't be found.
  • base-spec (required): Local path or http URL to the old (BASE) OpenAPI spec file. An error will be thrown if the file can't be found.
  • github-token (required): Must be in form ${{ github.token }} or ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}; This token is used to add labels and comments to pull requests. It is built into Github Actions and does not need to be manually specified in your secrets store. More Info


  • classification: A string representing the type of change detected between the two OpenAPI specs. Possible values:
    • major: Indicates that the HEAD spec introduces at least one incompatible or "breaking" changes
    • minor: Indicates that the HEAD spec introduces only compatible or "non-breaking" changes
    • patch: Indicates that the HEAD spec does not introduce any changes at all


This following example assumes that your repository contains a valid OpenAPI spec file called openapi.yaml in the repository root.

on: [pull_request]

name: openapi-diff


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Check out HEAD revision
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
        ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
        path: head
    - name: Check out BASE revision
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
        ref: ${{ github.base_ref }}
        path: base
    - name: Run OpenAPI Diff (from HEAD revision)
      uses: evereepay/openapi-diff-action@v1.0.0-beta.1
        head-spec: head/openapi.yaml
        base-spec: base/openapi.yaml
        github-token: ${{ github.token }}



Breaking change report comments or classification labels aren't added to my pull request

Ensure your workflow that invokes the OpenAPI Diff Action on pull requests, e.g.:

on: [pull_request]
