
Project Template for Visual Studio for creating an Alexa Fact Skill in .NET

MIT LicenseMIT

Alexa Fact Skill .NET Template

Project Template for Visual Studio 2017 for creating an Alexa Fact Skill in .NET


Please download the latest version of the template and place the zip file into your ProjectTemplates folder.

Normally this folder should be located here: %userprofile%\documents\Visual Studio 2017\Templates\ProjectTemplates

Latest Version

Latest Version can be downloaded here


version 1

  • AWS Lambda Project (.NET Core 2.0)
  • Nuget package Alexa.Net
  • Nuget package Newtonsoft.JSON
  • Preparation of facts.json file to store the facts
  • Extensions Methods for Enumerable for picking a random item
  • MessagesService to get randomly picked message
  • EmbeddedResourceService to read an embedded json file
  • FactsService to get a random fact or a fact by intent
  • Preparations to handle required intents like AMAZON.StopIntent, AMAZON.CancelIntent, AMAZON.HelpIntent and LaunchRequest

version 2

  • Update some Nuget packages
  • Add missing comments on model class
  • Remove unused files

Source Code

The source code of the template is located in the develop branch of this repository. You can find it here.