Boolean expression
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would some kind of boolean expression be possible?
I tried it this way but no luck. Tbh i am not quite sure how the syntax works
true :: true = bool(0)
false :: false = bool(1)
not :: not(true) = false
bool_eq :: bool(A) == bool(B) = A == B
solve :: true == not(false) {
true | all
false | all
bool_eq | all
disclaimer: I'm also not confident of my understanding of the syntax, but, just by what the stuff is supposed to do:
I imagine that after running true | all
that you would have the expression bool(0) == not(false)
and then after running false | all
you would have the expression bool(0) == not(bool(1))
and then bool_eq | all
would fail to match anything, because bool(0) == not(bool(1))
is not of the form bool(A) == bool(B)
Instead, I believe you would want to run things in this order (again, I'm unsure of the syntax, and am only commenting on the logic of what you are doing, not the right way to express it syntactically)
someNameGoesHere :: true == not(false) {
not | all
true | all
bool_eq | all
so that you would start with true == not(false)
then after not | all
you would have true == true
and then after true | all
you would have bool(0) == bool(0)
and then after bool_eq | all
you would have 0 == 0
, which I imagine is what you were trying to get.
(I believe all of the | all
in what I said, other than the true | all
, could be replaced with | 0
because there is only one place where it applies.)
(I don't know whether ==
is an allowed infix operator in this language)
Boolean expressions are entirely possible., but like @drocta mentioned, you will have to drop the ==
operator for now.
And because Noq
does not support conditional rule application (yet), you will have to do it manually.
Here I wrote a short example of what it could look like:
and_f :: and(bool(false), bool(_)) = bool(false)
and_t :: and(bool(true), bool(true)) = bool(true)
or_f :: or(bool(false), bool(false)) = bool(false)
or_t :: or(bool(true), bool(_)) = bool(true)
not_f :: not(bool(false)) = bool(true)
not_t :: not(bool(true)) = bool(false)
not_and :: not(and(bool(A), bool(B))) = or(not(A), not(B))
not_or :: not(or(bool(A), bool(B))) = and(not(bool(A)), not(bool(B)))
eq_f :: eq(bool(true), bool(false)) = bool(false)
eq_t :: eq(bool(A), bool(A)) = bool(true)
basic_comm :: B(X, Y) = B(Y, X)
eq(bool(true), bool(false)) {
eq_f | all
eq(and(bool(false), bool(true)), bool(false)) {
and_f | all
eq_t | all
eq(not(or(bool(false), bool(true))), and(not(bool(true)), bool(true))) {
not_or | all
not_f | all
not_t | all
basic_comm | 1
and_f | all
eq_t | all