
Submodule warning logging interferes with the output of the main thread.

rexim opened this issue · 0 comments

rexim commented

fmt.Printf("[WARN] `%s` is probably a submodule. Skipping it for now...\n", filepath)

It happens in a worker thread and interferes with the output of the main thread.

streamer@rexim-B590:~/Programming/tsoding/skedudle$ ~/go/bin/snitch report --prepend-body 'introduced in #24'
Detected project: https://github.com/tsoding/skedudle
src/json_test.c:26:         // TODO: parse_json_number treats -10.-10e-2 as two separate numbers
Issue Title: parse_json_number treats -10.-10e-2 as two separate numbers
Do you want to report this?  [y/n] [WARN] `third_party/frozen` is probably a submodule. Skipping it for now...