
installation is unclear

34r7h opened this issue · 6 comments

34r7h commented

after the template tag, where does the js go?

The use(Particles) must go where the createApp is, the other code must go in the script of the component.

You can see a sample here:

import type { Engine } from "tsparticles-engine";

34r7h commented

thanks Matteo. Still having trouble after copying the example.

i downloaded the vue3/apps/vue3 folder but can't install.. getting npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET https://registry.npmjs.org/@tsparticles%2fvue3 - Not found.

i think the npm registry is looking for a different name now. vue3-particles now?

thanks Matteo. Still having trouble after copying the example.

i downloaded the vue3/apps/vue3 folder but can't install.. getting npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET https://registry.npmjs.org/@tsparticles%2fvue3 - Not found.

i think the npm registry is looking for a different name now. vue3-particles now?

@tsparticles/vue3 will be the new package, but it's something it's not ready to be published yet. The legacy branch contains all the v2 packages like vue3-particles

34r7h commented

great, ok i'll keep in mind when upgrading. Thanks much.

I got it to work after fixing a mistake.. app.use(router).use(Particles); like you gave in the example.

where I had:


maybe that makes two instances.

The default Vue3 app comes with app.use(router);, that's why I appended that there.

34r7h commented

yeah it should be there. i made an error. great work on this repo. i'm very thankful!