
if save_model is passed through the fit_opts = {} in tune() it is not being actioned on

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ayn2 commented

model_opts = {'mixed_activation': 'False'},
fit_opts = {'save_model': 'False'},
test_opts = {'some_arg': 'some_value'},
mode = "wgan",
k = 5,
tuner = "random",
epochs = 2,
seed = 89,
device = 'cpu')

gets an error

File "C:\Users\Artem\PythonProjects\Public_SyGNet\src\sygnet\interface.py", line 277, in fit
with open(filepath / (save_prefix + datetime.now().strftime("%d%b%y_%H%M")), 'wb') as f:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'filepath' referenced before assignment

despite that we asked not to save the model.

p.s. It actually triggers a logger message Argument save_loc must contain a directory path...

Thanks @ayn2, keep me posted on your progress here. As a starter for ten, I would try removing the quotes around False in the argument of fit_opts.

ayn2 commented

If False passed without commas, it works. closed.