
A better error message in the case where a log group already has a subscription

justinmchase opened this issue · 3 comments

I recently hit an issue where my deployment was failing with the error:

An error occurred while provisioning your stack
- Resource limit exceeded..

Being relatively new to serverless and AWS I didn't know what this message meant. It turns out after getting some help that I had already manually created a subscription filter for one of my lambdas and since I can only have one this error was occurring. It would be nice have a slightly more robust error message in this case. Something like below possibly:

    - Resource limit exceeded..

      You've hit a AWS resource limit:

      Subscription filters: 1/log group. This limit cannot be changed.
tsub commented

I'm sorry I left it for a long time.
I think that the point is correct, so I will respond in the near future.

Bit me too, thanks for the note @justinmchase

tsub commented


It implemented in PR #7.
And it was released in v1.0.4 earlier.