
plays a nice melody when you type

Primary LanguagePython


Plays a note per key typed on the keyboard

Hacked together very fast (most of the time was spent finding a suitable library of sound) so there's clearly lots of room for improvement.

Currently it loops L's theme and only if you type very slowly


pip install -r requirements.txt

and run python main.py

in the quiet directory.

make a venv if you so please.

write your own songs and add them to songs.py as KV pairs.


  • track WPM and choose song based on rounding
  • continuous song playing/playlist
  • automatic conversion of songs into raw notes


  • keylogger to register keypresses
  • dictionary of notes : notes (wav)
  • play the wav when the key is pressed (long presses?)
  • choosing a song
  • discretizing a song into individual notes