
Clean Install IRO:// uri is not registered and .iro extensions not registered to 7th Heaven

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
I have clean installed 7th heaven, then tried both canary build and stable build the General Settings shows i have "Open iros:// links with 7th Heaven" & "Open Mod Files with 7th Heaven", and neither are working,

** Versions **
[x] Tested on latest stable version
[ ] Pre-release only bug

To Reproduce
Clean windows install 7th heaven using installer on Tsunamods / 7thheaven.rocks website let it complete, make sure the Shell integrations are enabled
try visiting a iros:// uri and it wont work it will just google the URI, download a mod .iro file file does not have icon in windows and opening it asks user to select application to open it

Expected behavior
The Shell registations work so the URI's and .Iro files correctly open 7th heaven

7th heaven settings window
Windows Shell not pressent

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows
  • Version: 11
  • Build: 22631.3958

Additional context
Tsuna and MikeDoesAudio were on call and witnessed it

Thanks for the report. Out of curiosity, were you prompted to run the command line once you clicked save? That should have generated a bat file in the 7thWorkshop/temp folder. Care to share what you got so I can check if the registry paths were created for you?

There is nothing inside the directory now, does it auto delete it when it starts up again, i will try to create it and capture it now.

So Turning them off.

@echo off
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\iros" /f /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\7thHeaven\shell\Unpack IRO\command" /f /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\7thHeaven\DefaultIcon" /f /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\.iro" /f /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\.irop" /f /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\Directory\shell\Pack into IRO" /f /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\7thHeaven\shell\Unpack IRO" /f /reg:64

adding them:

@echo off
@reg.exe add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\iros" /f /ve /d "7H Catalog Subscription" /t REG_SZ /reg:64
@reg.exe add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\7thHeaven\DefaultIcon" /f /ve /d """C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Local\Programs\7th Heaven\7th Heaven.exe""" /t REG_SZ /reg:64
@reg.exe add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.iro" /f /ve /d "7thHeaven Mod" /t REG_SZ /reg:64
@reg.exe add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.irop" /f /ve /d "7th Heaven Mod Patch" /t REG_SZ /reg:64
@reg.exe add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.irop\DefaultIcon" /f /ve /d """C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Local\Programs\7th Heaven\7th Heaven.exe""" /t REG_SZ /reg:64
@reg.exe add "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.irop\shell\open\command" /f /ve /d """C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Local\Programs\7th Heaven\7th Heaven.exe"" /OPENIROP:""%%1""" /t REG_SZ /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\Directory\shell\Pack into IRO" /f /reg:64
@reg.exe delete "HKCR\7thHeaven\shell\Unpack IRO" /f /reg:64

That ran, and yet still IRO file on my system


And if i try using an IRO:// schema URI i get