
PhoneNumberType of London UK Numbers show as UNKNOWN

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atalai commented

Certain legitimate FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE phone numbers for the London(UK) area are categorized as UNKNOWN. We should expect FIXED_LINE, MOBILE, or FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE as the PhoneNumberType.


phoneNumber := "+442045204776"
n, err := libphonenumber.Parse(phoneNumber, "ZZ")
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("Error seen on ", phoneNumber)

libphonenumberDeducedNumberType := libphonenumber.GetNumberType(n)
fmt.Println(libphonenumberDeducedNumberType, n)

Note it does not matter what defaultRegion is passed in the Parse() method. Both UK, GB, ZZ will result in libphonenumberDeducedNumberType to be UNKNOWN.

The issue seems to be present in all: "+44 20 XXXX YYYY" numbers.