
Add godeps.json

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It'll help users not to have to figure out the dependencies on their own and will allow package managers like glide to do their job properly

Why can't you just use go get -u

What would a godeps.json add?

@17twenty I did try go get, but this package depends on external dependencies that are not automatically installed by go get. Adding a Godeps file would indicate the consumers which dependencies need to be installed

That's not entirely true, when you add Godeps state file, you are not actually tying this package to a package manager at all. It saves current state of dependencies of this package only, it'll only be used if the person downloading uses a package manager (almost all package managers eg. Glide, godep support this file), if they don't go-get will work just as fine as it does now.

Feel free to open a PR addressing this @steelbrain!

Hi @steelbrain, this project is now using dep - let me know if that solves your issue!