[question] Integration with webpack
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Ttag seems to be best i18n solution. Usage is simple and readable, gettext behind the scenes, but I have trouble integrating ttag with webpack.
I'm using html-webpack-plugin
and ttag-webpack-plugin
. I'd like to automatically inject precompiled javascripts (bundles / chunks) in language related entrypoints (index-[lang].html
). So as a result I'd like to generate index files for each language, with chunks included automatically, to wrap them with nginx in production environment. For a devserver (webpack's watch mode) I would like to have possibility to serve selected language or enable runtime translations. I asked about this on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63827008/how-to-use-ttag-i18n-with-webpack, where I posted my webpack.config.js
Would you mind to suggest me (and maybe others) how to configure webpack to work with html-webpack-plugin
? If babel-plugin-ttag
should be used, could you suggest how to integrate it with html-webpack-plugin?
I'm not using CRA, I have own npm/webpack/babel config.
Hi @marcinn! Thanks for the good words.
ttag-webpack-plugin is still experimental. Haven't tried it with html-webpack-plugin. Need to check that. I can suggest you to use babel-plugin-ttag
without ttag-webpack-plugin
. Here is a doc tat describes both approaches (precompile and runtime translations) - https://ttag.js.org/blog/2018/09/05/hardcore-webpack-setup.html