
The (old) 3ds and dsi browser wont connect to browserservice

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Hi, i had the most crazy idea. I was thinking to connect my o3ds and dsi browser to browserservice but for some reason it wont connect to browserservice. Even you would asking yes i typed my local pc's ip including the --vice-opt-http-listen-addr= command.

Is here any idea why it wouldn't connect?

This is quite difficult to diagnose based on the limited amount of data available; there are so many different ways to set up a network (and also firewalls add another possible layer of complexity), and the problems are unlikely to be Browservice-specific (that is, you would get similar issues connecting to any HTTP server, not just Browservice). As such, I can just ask some questions and try to guess what could be wrong from the answers, but it might not work:

  • Which OS do you run Browservice on? Windows or Linux?
  • What kind of network are the 3DS and the PC; are they on the same local network? What is the IP address of the PC on that network?
  • Which address do you write to the address field in the 3DS browser?
  • What kind of error message do you get from the 3DS browser?
  • What is the full log output of Browservice? Does it write some log lines when you try to connect to it using the 3DS browser?

Even if you got it to connect, Browservice is not guaranteed to work well on that particular browser (at least I haven't tested it).

This is quite difficult to diagnose based on the limited amount of data available; there are so many different ways to set up a network (and also firewalls add another possible layer of complexity), and the problems are unlikely to be Browservice-specific (that is, you would get similar issues connecting to any HTTP server, not just Browservice). As such, I can just ask some questions and try to guess what could be wrong from the answers, but it might not work:

The problem also occurs on the (very limited) Nintendo Switch browser, which is more-or-less an improved version of the 3DS one, so I'll answer your questions.

  • Which OS do you run Browservice on? Windows or Linux?


  • What kind of network are the 3DS and the PC; are they on the same local network? What is the IP address of the PC on that network?

Same local network.

  • Which address do you write to the address field in the 3DS browser?

The PC's local IP address, as of IPConfig.

  • What kind of error message do you get from the 3DS browser?

Blank screen.

  • What is the full log output of Browservice? Does it write some log lines when you try to connect to it using the 3DS browser?

It opens up the CEF window, and after a few moments, closes it without any apparent error.