
Block registration requires the ability to register an ItemGroup

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Either simpleItem needs to have an ItemGroup parameter, of the builder itself needs to have some sort of function which accepts an ItemGroup.

Without this, there's a series of obscure errors occurs when you attempt to register recipes for blocks:

  public static RegistryObject<Block> BRICKS = REGISTRATE.object("polished_andesite_bricks")
      .recipe(ctx -> {
        ShapedRecipeBuilder.shapedRecipe(ctx.getEntry(), 4)
            .key('X', Items.POLISHED_ANDESITE)
            .addCriterion("has_andesite", ctx.getProvider().hasItem(Items.POLISHED_ANDESITE))
        SingleItemRecipeBuilder.stonecuttingRecipe(Ingredient.fromItems(Items.POLISHED_ANDESITE), ctx.getEntry())
            .addCriterion("has_andesite", ctx.getProvider().hasItem(Items.POLISHED_ANDESITE))
            .build(ctx.getProvider(), new ResourceLocation(Glimmering.MODID, "polished_andesite_bricks_from_stonecutting"));

Results in the following error, pointing to the first .build line:

[19:02:00] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:643]: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
[19:02:00] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:643]: 	at
[19:02:00] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:643]: 	at
[19:02:00] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Throwable:printStackTrace:643]: 	at noobanidus.mods.glimmering.init.ModBlocks.lambda$static$4(

It took me a little time to track this down, but I eventually realised that the breakpoint actually gets considerably past this point where the supposed NullPointerException happens:

    p_200467_1_.accept(new ShapedRecipeBuilder.Result(p_200467_2_, this.result, this.count, == null ? "" :, this.pattern, this.key, this.advancementBuilder, new ResourceLocation(p_200467_2_.getNamespace(), "recipes/" + --> this.result.getGroup().getPath() <-- + "/" + p_200467_2_.getPath())));

(Line 110 of ShapedRecipeBuilder)

The result of the recipe doesn't have an itemGroup (null), hence the .getPath call fails.

My current solution to this was:

        .properties((o) ->
      .recipe(ctx -> {

which could be easily simplified.

Yeah, that's a tricky one. I don't really want the block builder to care about itemgroups. I think having simpleItem accept the ItemGroup makes the most sense, in addition to more helpers in that department in general.

REGISTRATE.itemGroup(() -> Glimmering.ITEM_GROUP);


.item().group(() -> Glimmering.ITEM_GROUP).build()

I opted not to modify BlockBuilder as accepting a group there would double the method count and require me to duplicate some logic, for not much gain. If you see a good reason for that feature, feel free to open another issue.