Checks for pgn that is no longer active
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Hi Timo -
I continue to appreciate your work on the library and I have expanded my code significantly. One thing that I have done is to create a new library based on your work that adds AC parameters 127744 - 127748 that I read from my Victron equipment. I also added AC parameter 127503 that I then output to be read by my Czone equipment. In addition to being able to now read the AC data by Czone I also add my 2 AC lines to get a total AC input to my boat.
This works great under normal situations when I am plugged into shore power or running my generator. The issue that I have not been able to solve is that the AC data continues to show the last value when AC power is removed. I have tried a variety of things to attempt to resolve this. I assume it is something simple and it may or may not be related to the new library that I created.
Using DataDisplay2 as an example I have tried this approach:
void ACVoltFreqB(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
unsigned char SID;
unsigned char ConnectionNumber;
double ACRMSvoltageLtoN;
double ACRMSvoltageLtoL;
double ACFrequency;
if (ParseN2kACVoltFreqB(N2kMsg, SID, ConnectionNumber, ACRMSvoltageLtoN, ACRMSvoltageLtoL, ACFrequency) ) {
Line2Voltage = ACRMSvoltageLtoN;
Line2Frequency = ACFrequency;
else {
Line2Voltage = 0;
Line2Frequency = 0;
I have also tried the approach of comparing the SID to the previous SID and if has not changed for a period of time to set the parameters to 0:
ParseN2kACVoltFreqB(N2kMsg, SID, ConnectionNumber, ACRMSvoltageLtoN, ACRMSvoltageLtoL, ACFrequency); {
CurrentSID = SID;
Line2Voltage = ACRMSvoltageLtoN;
Line2Frequency = ACFrequency;
if (CurrentSIDLastState != CurrentSID)
startAC2timer = millis();
CurrentSIDLastState = CurrentSID;
if (millis() - startAC2timer >= 500 )
Line2Voltage = 0;
Line2Frequency = 0;
Both of these work fine when AC power is active. But when AC power is removed I expect that the voltage and frequency go to 0, but instead both stay at the last values prior to removing power. I have verified with my analyzer that the Victron equipment stops transmitting the pgn when I remove AC power so I'm stumped as to why neither of these work. Can you offer me some advice?
It is because your ACVoltFreqB will be never called after generator has been stopped and message will not be sent anymore. You have to do it like this:
static uint32_t AC2timer = 0;
static double Line2Voltage = 0;
static double Line2Frequency = 0;
#define ACTimeout 5000
void CheckTimeouts() {
if ( millis()-AC2Timer > ACTimeout ) {
double Line2Voltage = 0;
double Line2Frequency = 0;
void ACVoltFreqB(const tN2kMsg &N2kMsg) {
if ( ParseN2kACVoltFreqB(...) ) {
AC2timer = millis();
void loop() {
Thank you Timo! This makes sense to me. I got tripped up on DataDisplay2. With a small adjustment this works. I really appreciate your help.