
Suggestion: API Should be RESTfull.. use HTTP Verbs in and remove actions from Resource names

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I just looked at the API and I could see that the API Urls contains action names, and it should contain Resource names.


HTTP POST to http://<cuantourl>/api/addTestRun 

Should be

POST to http://<cuantourl>/api/TestRuns

And /api/getTestRun should be

GET to  http://<cuantourl>/api/TestRun/<testRunId>

See API Documents:

Would you accept Pull Requests for this?

And perhaps we should create a "new api" called

ttop commented

Thanks for your interest. Cuanto is no longer under active development. Please feel free to fork the code and do as you wish.

OK! Did you find another tool that you liked better? or did you just not have the need anymore?

ttop commented

My role changed to one that is no longer involved in testing or result tracking, so I no longer have any time allocated to maintain it nor any personal need for it.