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  • Login/Registration Page
  • Listings Page
  • Listing Page
  • Add Listing Page
  • Profile Page

Listings Page (Browse Listings)

Purpose: Display all available listings for both registered and non-registered users.
Key Features: Search bar, filters (by deadline), pagination.

Listing Page (Single Listing)

Purpose: Show detailed information about a specific item.
Key Features: Item details (title, description, images, current bid, deadline), bid history, place bid option (for registered users).

Add Listing Page

Purpose: Allow registered users to create a new listing.
Key Features: Form to input title, description, add images, set a deadline.

Profile Page

Purpose: Display user-specific information, including avatar, credits, and active listings/bids.
Key Features: Avatar update, view credits, list of active and past listings, and bids.

Login/Registration Page

Purpose: Handle user authentication.
Key Features: Forms for login and registration, password reset.