
Converts OHLC 1 minute data points (forex data) to higher timeframes (e.g. 5 minutes)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Converts OHLC 1 minute data points (forex) to higher timeframes (e.g. 5 minutes)

Warning: This is a discarded idea and just a first hacked approach to solve the problem.

Current version

  • m1.js reads 1m Forex data from a csv file (downloaded from http://www.histdata.com/download-free-forex-data/) using the node module fast-csv and stores it into a mysql DB
  • m5.js fetches the m1 data from the DB and used convertTimeframe.js to convert the data to the m5 timeframe


  • I noticed that the 1m data from histdata.com is sometimes missing data points. I coded a workaround so that null values will be inserted for that 1 minute data point.
  • convertTimeframe.js will skip data sets with null values, instead the next entry/close will be taken to calculate the higher timeframe

Install & Contribute

$ git clone
$ npm install


  • node/npm
  • mysql
  • fast-csv