
`mdless` not properly showing code blocks

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I've just installed mdless and I've noticed there seem to be some issues with the way that code blocks are shown. I have Pygments installed, and (apparently; not very familiar with it) working:

test$ pygmentize -V
Pygments version 2.0.2, (c) 2006-2014 by Georg Brandl.

I've created a test file but due to GitHub's funky Issues app not allowing attachments, I've posted it as a gist (

For reference, this is how the example file looks when viewing it on Marked - notations 1, 2 and 3 work fine


The same file viewed with mdless within iTerm 3 beta shows several issues:


Running the same file through pygmentize via cat | pygmentize shows that the syntax highlighting is working (or at least the script would recognize quite a few of the snippets):


Any hints or workarounds more than welcome; personally I'm quite partial to the triple backtick notation in my .md files and I've got more than a few code samples scattered in my files...


This should be significantly improved in the latest release. Let me know if you still have issues.