na isn't showing anything
Opened this issue · 12 comments
Hi @ttscoff ,
I've installed as described (using fixed command [[ -s “$HOME/” ]] && source “$HOME/”).
na creates entries as expected, *.taskpaper file gets populated with values given.
But I don't get any tasks shown at all when entering "na". Even issuing na in folder having *.taskpaper file stored.
Any ideas about that?
Generated *.taskpaper file has this content:
- Update documentation @na
- [What is still in there?] @na
- [What is in there?] @na
New Features:
Search Definitions:
Top Priority @search(@priority = 5 and not @done)
High Priority @search(@priority > 3 and not @done)
Maybe @search(@maybe)
Next @search(@na and not @done and not project = "Archive")
results in
f88ttyc8t@ubuntu:~$ echo $NA_NEXT_TAG
Maybe there is some tool (like awk, sed, ruby library) missing?
Not to have something hidden in my .dotfiles, I've tried it also on a fresh Arch Linux installation (+ installing grep sed awk ruby), but got exact same result. No task list shown at all, $NA_NEXT_TAG is set
Strange thing, issuing "na -h" does not print structured help but a single row of text:
Also, I noticed, when cd into subfolder having a *.taskpaper file, command prompt changes it's color (command prompt became green).
I've added a screenshot about this behavior as well as bash configuration used (which is absolutely basic).
# ~/.bashrc
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
# ~/.bash_profile
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
[[ -s ~/ ]] && source ~/
Plus file ~/.tdlist
I hope this is of any help....
@ttscoff ah, thanks!
Will check on my Mac, maybe it works there.
Anyway, if I find a solution I will let you know about.
I the same issue on mac and linux.
$ ./ -h
also gives nothing...
Same here for me on macOS (Big Sur). Tried to debug but my shell fu is weak.
@sorenpeter na is run as a function. Calling the file directly has no effect. Source the file, then call na
. If you're using a shell other than Bash, you'll need to write a wrapper function that calls na $@
@brookscl same thing?
what does "Source the file" mean?