
Download logged Data (via NUS over GATT) from RuuviTags

bchwtz opened this issue · 0 comments

The latest RuuviTag Firmware (3.29.0-RC5 at time of writing) supports logging environmental data in the nRF52832 internal flash and support for logging accelerometer data is planned for future releases. The mobile Ruuvi Station App allows the user to download the data. The same feature should be added to ruuvitag-sensor.

Internally downloading the logged data is managed via the RuuviTag communication interface that uses the Nordic UART Service (NUS) over the BLE Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). There is an implementation of the NUS in Python as @ojousima pointed out. The following libraries could serve as starting point:

Future firmware releases will also allow for configuration settings being send over the same service, so it may be a good idea to consider that already.