Shopware courseware client

This repository contains a client for the Shopware courseware. Note that this repository does not contain any actual courseware.


Checkout this repository and the private repository yireo-shopware6/shopware-courseware along side each other in the same parent folder.

Copy the config.php.dist file to config.php and point the courseware_dir variable towards the root of the other repository.

Next, within this repository, install all dependencies:

composer install

Running the client

Fire up a webserver under pub/ and then visit its content. For example, navigate into pub/, run php -S localhost:4000 and then visit the URL http://localhost:4000/. This shows an overview of chapters. If you click upon the chapter link, the chapter opens up in the RemarkJS-based slideshow.

You can switch between the Presenter Mode (press P) and the normal mode (again press P).


  • The webserver loads a simple HTML page (pub/index.php) with
  • The RemarkJS presentation tool loads dynamic content from pub/ajax.php
  • This again fetches specified Markdown files from the courseware/ folder (for instance, installation/
  • Within these Markdown files, slide content and student notes are split up
    • Use the Presentor Mode to show all slides
    • This combination of slide content and student notes could be exported to a PDF with custom scripting
  • Within these Markdown files, regular Markdown is enhanced with Gitbook-like tags
    • {% include URL %} allows for a remote URL to be included, like the Shopware Gitbook docs
    • {% embed url=URL %} is converted into a regular link
    • ...