

kubulo opened this issue · 3 comments


ttytm commented

Hey @kubulo

Thank you for reporting the issue! It must have been introduced with one of the recent logseq updates. There were similar issues with new versions breaking the bullet threading like this in the past.

I'm looking into this and doing my best with a quick fix today or tomorrow!

ttytm commented

Hey again @kubulo,

I'm not able to reproduce this issue. Did exploratory testing on two systems and screens with different resolutions. I tried with different levels of indentation, also adding Chinese characters.

Are you using the latest version of logseq and the theme (currently it's 1.1.15)? I found the integrated check update function in logseq sometimes doesn't pull updates. You can try uninstalling and reinstalling the theme from the marketplace in that case.

ttytm commented

This doesn't seem to be an issue anymore, so I'm closing it. Please leave a word if you still notice the problems, then we will open it again and tackle them 💪