
Today widget for iOS?

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While Home Assistant is great on a computer, its mobile app is lacking. Therefore I'm really liking this app and would be happy to support it in future!

One feature I cannot wait to see is a today widget for iOS. The whole point of home automation is to make your life easier. But if you have to tap several times on the phone to switch the lamp, it's faster to just go to the physical switch on the wall and flick it. Therefore I think it's important to have access to smart devices directly from the home/lock screen on the phone. Having a notification widget with the same level of customization as in the main app would be a killer feature in my opinion! Hopefully code from the main app can be borrowed for that.

Can you explain more this feature also some screenshot or video would be great.

Sure! Below is a screenshot of the Home+ app's notification widgets. It's a bit limited because Home+ only supports HomeKit devices unfortunately.

The idea is to have similar widgets for Home Assistant Dashboard which would simply expose an interface like in the Home tab in the notification screen so it's easily accessible without opening the full application. (This is particularly useful to access home devices directly from the lock screen.) It would be useful to configure the widget separately from the Home tab, however, because one typically doesn't want to see everything in the notification widget but only the most important controls.


Thank for the detail info, I'm using flutter to develop this app, it can create app for both Android and iOS but it's not as powerfull as native app.

I need to make some research about the possibility to make something like this, I really like the idea through.

Sadly it seems that widgets are not currently supported by Flutter, neither on Android nor on iOS:

This would be an amazing feature - looks like it is at least possible now - https://itnext.io/develop-an-ios-14-widget-in-flutter-with-swiftui-e98eaff2c606