
TwentyCi-Asia staff are doing #100daysofcode with the world


TwentyCi-Asia staff are doing #100daysofcode with the world


I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days.

Additional rules

  • I will encourage at least two other people in the challenge.
  • It won’t count the time I spend coding at work towards this challenge.
  • It won't count the time I spend doing tutorials, online courses.
  • If you are travelling for 2–3 days or cannot code, take a book or some artciles with you.
  • If you only can afford 20 minutes a day, do that. Make the challenge your own.
  • If I give up this challenge, I will lose 500,000 VND that I paid forward.
  • Latest progress update is 9am next day.
  • Penalty 50,000 VND for each reminder if not update progress on time.


  • Fork this repo, and make a branch like log-your-name, e.g log-tucq
  • Create a log file likes log-your-name.md, e.g log-tucq.md
  • Update your progress on that log file. Check this example
  • Create Pull request from your branch to master
  • Keeps updating your progress until you accomplish the challenge

Suggested Projects

  • Wordpress Plugin: PHP, MySQL
  • A personal blog: Laravel, VueJS, TDD
  • Timesheet logger or Books library: Angular 2+, Spring or Rails
  • Quiz system: Laravel, Frontend lib
  • Chat system: NodeJS, SocketIO, VueJS or Angular 2+
  • Books library: Laravel / NodeJS, CQRS, VueJS or Angular 2+

Reminding cycle

Tu => Nhats => Thanh => Nhat. => Hoang => Duc => Tu