
SIunitx version 3 doesnt display greek letters as units

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Hello. While using texlive on debian with cat-version 2.06l of tudscr Ive encountered a problem with the unit \ohm within siunitx.


Returns a W instead of an omega. Changing the document class to scrbook yields the correct unit. I presume it has something to do with font support and there might be a workaround, but setting something like \sisetup{text-ohm=\Omega} or \DeclareSIunit{..} has not worked for me so far.

Well I seem to have upgraded shortly after siunitx version 3 has been published (9th of Jun 2021) and I can confirm this issue only appears in use with version 3. \usepackage{siunitx}[=v2] could be a nice workaround, if I havnt started to adopt some new features right away.

As this seems to apply to many greek letters, I will rename the topic

depending on the (maybe) upcoming discussion at josephwright/siunitx#435 (comment) I will try to figure out an appropriate bug fix