
Building fails on Windows

Closed this issue · 2 comments

nmake build always ends in an error at 97%
I'm using following versions:

  • Windows 10
  • VS 2022
  • Boost 1.71 (building with the latest 1.80 throws lots of errors)
  • CGAL 5.4.3
  • GMP 6.2.1
  • OpenCV 4.6.0
  • QT 5.15.2
  • Gurobi 9.52
  • MPFR 4.1.1

It seems some wrong or missing dependency - has anyone succeeded in building under windows?

Is your GMP and MPFR built with VS 2022?
Please use these libraries shiped with CGAL.

I now read the CGAL instructions a bit more carefully, and put the "GMP and MPFR libraries, for Windows 64bits" in the CGAL auxilary folder and it's compiling without errors. Thank you!