
Reconstruction result problem

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I'm sorry to disturb you. I reconstructed the first building in the data data, but there was a reconstruction error. The binary process failed in the lower left corner of the interface. What's the problem?

it looks like the solving failed, which solver you used? can you provide more details, like the platform, compiler, solver, etc, please start the issue using the template we provided, so I can reproduce it.

I'm sorry to trouble you. The platform uses WindowsX64 and the compiler is VS2017.
Gurobi 9.5.2;
QT 5.14.2;
CGAL 5.5.2;
boost 1_71_0;
OpenCV 3.46;
I replaced gurobi_c++mdd2019.lib with gurobi_c++mdd2017.lib when compiling. as shown below, I don't know if there is an error.
And when I debug the CLI_Example_1 project, I found an error, as follows.
Looking forward to your help!

Since you are using gurobi, do you also install the license? If not, it doesn't work.

Thank you very much for your help. Your code is very good, and you also wrote about problems during the optimization process. I wish you a happy life and smooth work.