Prepare PROPOSAL for conan 2.0
Closed this issue · 3 comments
The recipe of PROPOSAL (and also cubicinterpolation) for conan-center-index is not ready for conan2.
Therefore, we have fixed the version of conan that needs to be used for PROPOSAL to 1.x.
This fixed issue #354.
As soon as the package for PROPOSAL and cubicinterpolation has been updated, we need to adapt the files that have been changed with #355.
This is now officially work in progress with the PRs for the proposal recipe and the cubicinterpolation recipe
cubicinterpolation is merged and ready for conan2
Both the cubicinterpolation and the PROPOSAL recipe are now updated for conan2! 🚀
This also means that PROPOSAL 7.5.1 is now available on conan-center-index, and we can continue to publish new releases to conan.
The future will show whether there are still bugs in the updeated proposal or cubicinterpolation recipe.
I will close this issue when we have adapted the pip package and documentation (i.e. reverted #355)