
Sells plotting issues and profitability doubts.

Unknown-Android-512 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello Tudor! First of all thank you for this amazing tool, i have been coding a strategy called Scalping but i think i have a problem when i look at the charts in the HTML Document... the Sells markers are way up of the chart, let me show you:


How can be possible? What i'm doing wrong? Would you like me to show you the code?

Look at the output of the back test:

Screenshot from 2020-04-03 08-04-28


Screenshot from 2020-04-03 08-46-05

This is just making a bunch of buys... but i want the algorithm to recognize the Sells opportunities as well (That's something i have to figure out in the Strategy Evaluator but i would like some help thou lol ) ... i'm kinda nervous right now, i want to know if i made a nice algorithm or i'm having a problem in the code plotting fake data or making a bad calculation. How ever, thank you again, i really appreciate this work, i'm really glad i found it :)

Hi mate can I please get a pick into your strategy??