
mRefreshLayout.finishRefreshing(); Issues

athirasanthosh opened this issue · 4 comments

mRefreshLayout.finishRefreshing(); is not working properly and some times does not draw back after completing refresh

The first ,if you call completing before CircleAnimationView ondraw REFRESHING the problems will appear,you can add callback in the getOutRatio () method to startRefreshing
The second you should update state to AnimatorStatus.PULL_DOWN when mUpTopAnimator.start(),otherwise it will run many times

hello can any one said what excect to do for solve this .plz
first time it work.
but second time not work.
i dont know why.

update the library or any thing else?
i am new to use github


It seems that the time to collect animation is too fast, causing the animation not to be taken away after the refresh, the solution is to delay for 2 seconds.

Observable.timer(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(new Consumer() {
public void accept(Long aLong) throws Exception {