
Support for Intel HD 6000, getting Elden Ring to run

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello, I have a laptop that is i5-5250u processor, Intel HD 6000 Graphics, 8gb ram, 500gb of space for windows installation, I have Windows installed, I have latest directxrun time, and the latest c++ installed. I've tried multiple graphics drivers. Disabled steam overlay, have no riva tuner or anything like that.

It gets past the white screen, but then goes to a black screen with a cursor and then crashes.
I've attached my debug when my intel hd 6000 is enabled.

When I disable the intel hd 6000 in device manager tho, it gets all the way to the menu screen, and then says framerate unplayable.
I've tried multiple different driver versions.

I have no discrete gpu in the laptop.

Also I'm wondering if Proton would work on my integrated card on Ubuntu . Says Vulkan up to 1.1.96. Anyways let me know, I know its a very low spec old computer. But I wanted to try the ultra low end mods on it.

vulkan 1 1 96


Hmm possibly vulkan 1.2.145, saw another submisson



this is quite interesting, you seem to be our first intel graphics user :-)

Is the debug log screenshot from your windows install or from linux (using wine) ?
Did you try to get this working on Windows using vkd3d-proton too ?

Oh this was on Windows 10, from trying to force Directx11 , I haven't tried vkd3d-proton, I'm trying that on Ubuntu rn, game still gotta another hour to install still. But I hope I can get past the start screen this time.

Hmph, I installed vulkan mesa drivers, on Ubuntu, and installed Elden Ring on Steam, then I tried to use Proton Experimental, with bleeding edge., GE Proton 7-1, GE 7-2, GE-4, GE-49.

i disabled EAC too, to play offline.

All led to a white screen for a split second, and the game crashes.

I think Broadwell Vulkan support also isn't the best. Also Vulkan support only on linux for Broadwell intel gpus.


Im also on intel hd(5500). I tried fix on windows 10,im getting to black screen and crash.Might there be a way to make it work?

Tried on hd 4600 and hd 4400 (with the DirectX 12 driver), the mod gets the game to the menus but the screen is black. Menu items can still be pressed, but crashes if going too far in the menus. Also tried modified mod using feature set 11_1, same issue. Crash happens for me in d3d12core.dll in the render thread, referencing null address.