
C++ array wrapper re-creating(and computing) in loop throws error(CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT) but works for prepared N-array of C++ arrays

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Found the root: re-creating inside loop has a chance to get same pointer (C++ - OS memory management) so USE_HOST_PTR flagged buffer throws error because of using duplicate buffer objects with same pointer.

Todo: release buffer that is bound to hashcode of ClArray<T> that is being destructed, in the Cores/ClNumberCruncher

  • because C# generates probably same hash after some iterations, makes API use same opencl buffer with USE_HOST_PTR flag and that has old/deleted array pointer, needs to re-check for USE_HOST_PTR type buffers whenever accessed.

  • Parallel.For and buffer read/write(or workers[i].kernelArgument) gets overlapped(or even out of bounds) addressings that throw AggregateException_ctor_DefaultMessage error + System.AccessViolationException

  • no problem for C# arrays

  • probably from the USE_HOST_PTR buffer allocation failure which is not yet error-checked yet.

  • or, it is opencl implementation bugging when deleting a pointer while that pointer is still in an opencl buffer as CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR