
How to get the vulnerable source code of cves in the dataset

zifeng-kang opened this issue · 3 comments


Nice work and I love your dataset! I am wondering if I can get a json containing the cve together with its vulnerable source code, and patch code from your dataset. Is the code-level information available? Thanks!


Did you take a look at the dataset csv file?


Thanks for the reply. However, I did not see the source code part as I expected. I was hoping e.g., public class Issue1005 extends TestCase { public void test_for_issue() throws Exception { Model model = JSON.parseObject("{\"values\":[1,2,3]}", Model.class);
I can only get those source codes after visiting the github links and copy codes from it.

We do not provide directly such source code. But I think they can be obtained from the patches with a small script.