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Transfer negative HP to offline hero - damage heals at a rate of 1hp per level per day, twice that with full rest and a medicine check.

Resting at a hospital simply makes the checks for you and requires enough days for a full rest and the same amount as a purchase dc.

Combat programs

Any attack action causes a severe alarm to be raised.

Bomb (skill 8, purchase 12, programming 24, 1 action, immediate, 3mb): does half d10 damage for every Character#level to everything in the Node except the player. For 2 cost it add +1d10 up to +5d10.

Decoy (skill 6, purchase 13, programming 26, 1 round, 10 rounds, ablative, 4mb): any attack against the player has a 50% chance of failing, plus 5% per cost, up to 90%. It has the same chance of surviving the hit and remaining active.

Drill and drone: 2.0.

Shield (skill 4, purchase 8, programming 16, 1 action, session, 2mb): +5 to defense, up to +9 for each 2 cost. Is, by default, activated for you but you can redirect it to another target.

Stealth programs

Bewilder (skill 4, purchase 12, programming 24, 1 action, instant, 2mb): upon hitting an ICE with a ranged touch attack, it makes a WIll save against DC14 (or +1 per cost, up to 24). A natural 20 roll on this test results in a severe alarm. The AP for the target becomes the player's AP + 1d4.

Clone (skill 4, purchase 12, programming 24, 1d10 rounds, instant, 4mb): copies a file to your infojack. Make a Computer Use roll against Frame#level +5 DC. A failure results in an alarm raised, a success will fetch the file in 1 round per MB. This probably should come by default to the playerr.

Erase (skill 5, purchase 11, programming 22, 1 round, varies, 2mb): roll Computer Use against Programming DC of target to destroy a target. An ICE can make a take 10 fortitude save against DC14 (or +1 per cost, up to 24). A roll here raises a severe alarm. Erase continues active until the target is destroyed.

Icepick (skill 5, purchase 12, programming 24, 1 action, 10 rounds, 1mb): make a ranged or melee attack against a target (1 on this roll results in an alarm being raised). Success reduces the Programming DC by 1 per round - if it's an ICE instead, the damage is done to its Defense value.

Pirate: 2.0. can copy any kind of program or file (ice included)

Rogue (skill 5, purchase 13, programming 26, 1 action, session, 4mb): +10 to stealth.

Scanner (skill 4, purchase 10, programming 20, 1 round, instantaneous, 1mb): make a take-10 Computer Use roll against the target's Programming DC (+1 bonus per cost, up to +10). For each 5 numbers above 5, the scanner shows a piece of information (in sequence: Programming DC, hardness, HP....) about the target.

Transportation programs

Alacrity (skill 11, purchase 14, programming 28, 1 action, 2d6 rounds, ablative, 2mb): for the duration, grants +.5ap every turn, +2 to initiative and Defense.

Flicker (skill 10, purchase 14, programming 28, 1 action, 2d6 rounds, 3mb): 50% chance only of being hit, 50% chance of passing through gates. Trying to pass through a gate and failing requires a stealth check or raise an alarm.

Speed (skill 7, purchase 12, programming 24, 1 round, session, 2mb): +10 speed. +1 cost results in +10 speed, up to +60.

Server shock (skill 11, purchase 15, programming 30, 1 round, instant, ablative, 1mb): causes 6d6 damage to everything in the node. ICE can save Ref DC16 for half damage and a second saving throw will either blast them to another random adjacent Node. Raises alarms. Each cost upgrade provides +1 to the save DC and plus half d6 of damage.

Teleport (skill 18, purchase 20, programming 40, 1 action, instant, 8mb): Immediately disconnect from server or, passing a Computer Use check against Frame#level + 10, be transported to any special node of your choosing (unless you're in a gate node, where this becomes impossible).

Chance of failure is computed by taking the programs Minimum Skill and removing from it the player's Computer Use ranks (not total bonus). Each point in difference is a 10% chance of the program being unloaded after use.

Ablative programs are removed from memory after being used. In the Haven #18 the player should be able to configure his default payload by turning programs "default" or not, meaning that the ablative program will be there on his next run if not changed.

A program upgrade cost of 1 adds +1 to skill, purchase, programming and half mb.

The best way to deal with this and also cyberware #33 is to just brute-force and dynamically create all possible items of all possible levels/grades to keep in memory.

Program#load() //activated, for example, if seesion and entering the web
Program#unload() //when duration runs out, is disabled by ICE, shutdown or trashed by player
Program#upgrade() //return itself and upgraded versions
Program#duration //0 for instantaneous, -1 for session or number of rounds
Program#raisesalarm=0 //if higher, that's the automatic level the alarm goes to when the program is used

The program store starts with all copies of skill 4 programs available.

The interface to use programs will often require that you select a target first (like an ICE of file construct). A context-sensitive component will show all possible actions.

Program#targetnode=false //shown when nothing is selected, default when entering a node

The entrance to a node is only 5 feet so ICE coming from NESW may need to wait to actually enter (and you may be trapped if there's an ICE there). Other than that ICE move between nodes once per round and in a red alert they'll be moving all around trying to find you, basically taking a random exit off a node whenever possible. At least one soldier ICE will stay to defend sensitive locations even in severe alarms.

ICE passing through your node will try to Perceive you - if they fail they are still wondering and will leave through a random exit (if not blocked). If you raise an alarm (attack someone, etc) they will become local ICE and stop wandering.

A player can load as many programs of the same type as he wants to. The only limit is that he needs to have those physical copies of the programs (for example 3 server shocks).


They have grades #33 (each step up +2 Purchase DC and +1 to install DC per deck)

A cyberdeck cannot have an upgrade with better grade than itself.

  • Base deck (install 12, purchase 10): 10 program blocks, 20 data blocks.
  • Extra programs (install 14, purchase 9): +10/+5/+5/+5 blocks
  • Extra storage (Haven #18, install 14, purchase 8) +10 block per upgrade
  • Server upgrade (install 16, purchase 10) level counts as 16/18/20/22
  • Stealth connection (install 12, purchase 10): +1 bonus per rank.
  • Deva upgrade (install 14, purchase 10): allows Deva to work on +1 tasks per grade. Divides the hour between all tasks and focuses on remaining tasks as others are done. When all done, will select

You can buy but not install an item if your take-10 Eletronics roll is too low. The install cost otherwise should be the DC-5 (or -10).

More ideas:

  • Hardening module: grants DR
  • Extra processing: grants initiative
  • Overwatch: % chance of overriding an alarm change (half for red alert)
  • Signal enhancer: bonus to computer use

Files are either Open, Unrestricted, Secure or Locked (each has a certain ascending hardness). Secure is the type of thing hackers are looking for. Open and secure may be worth a few bucks. Locked are usually programs and ICE and need to be decrypted. Secure files are encrypted Frame#Level/20 of the time.

Leap: to avoid a gate without resorting to programs, a roll is made with a DC of 10+20*Frame#Level/12. A fail means that the gate will ask for credentials. If the player is connecting phisically to the Frame, all credential checks are succesful.

A program's maximum hit points are the same as their Programming DC.

Hack file (full-round action): make a ranged attack against Frame#level. Deals 1d4+1 damage (or +Int if higher). Once a file is between 0 and -9, it can be Cloned or Pirated.

Hacking the server. Proceed in the same way but a server has Frame#level*(2+Frame#level/20) HP and recovers Frame#level//10 per round. This is probably the course of action if a player wants to disable an alarm. create a backdoor, etc.

  • HCF halt (skill 6, programming 28, purchase 18, instant, ablative, size 2tb): disables ICE reloading and alarms being raised for 1d4 + level turns, up to +5.
  • Killer poke (skill 9, programming 35, purchase 20, 4tb): immediately shuts down the node (exits), failure in CU check versus Frame#level leads to red alert, upgrade results in bonus for check, up to +5.
  • F00F (skill 6, purchase 15, programming 22, instant, ablative, size 2tb): causes ICE in your node to delay actions for .5AP if they don't pass a will save (DC=programming). 1 cost adds +.5AP, up to 2AP.

Dead ICE reload at an ICE Entry node, taking ICE#level to turns to come back. Lightest ICE are loaded first. Each extra Core node makes this faster by adding 1 TB loading per turn.

On a red alert, ICE can find the shortest path to an intruder by rolling Perceive against Stealth.

  • Spyglass (skill 8, purchase DC11, programming DC30, session, 3tb): allows you to see one node further ahead (instead of only the adjacent ones). A 5 cost upgrade lets you see in a 3-node radius.
  • Ping (skill 11, purchase 20, programming 40, 7tb): scans the entire Frame (doesn't cross gates though). Requires a Computer Use against Frame#level, failure causes a yellow alarm. When running a node with a mission objective, should run a roll to highlight it. Would be cool if it only showed a step per turn after activation.

Active session programs that are above a player's skill have a % chance of failing per turn as normal.

Cyberpunk 2020 has more ideas for programs, page 137.

  • Double Agent (skill 11, purchase 8, programming, 1-10ap, instantaneous, ablative, 3tb): neutralizes ICE (maximum AP).
  • HDLC driver (skill 11, purchase 11, programming 29, .5ap, instantaneous, ablative, 1tb): reduces alarm level.

This raises the question though of what do ICE do once the alarm is lowered? How to recover their state?

  • EMP: shows hidden targets in the node (non-ablative, basically gives a boost to the take-10 perceive roll).
  • Sonar: grants a passive boost to perceive (session).
  • Silencer: prevents alarms from being raised for a period of turns, ablative.
  • Lazy loader (1tb): allows player to load a program from his Haven to his cyberdeck. Doing so takes 1 turn per TB. Ablative. Only works on 1TB files, +2 cost allows to load +1TB instead (only one load per use).
  • Mark: puts a Mark condition on target (up to -3 defense value with repeated use).
  • Monitor: automatically tries to disconnect you when you reach 25% hp. Tries to disconnect you on every subsequent turn as well as long as you're under 25%. Session.
  • Key: disables a gate, ablative.

You should be able to load multiple copies of the same programs on your deck.

Record: saves your location, hp and restores it after the period is over (more upgrades mean more turns). Ablative.

Speed: raises your speed for a number of turns (+10 per 2 upgrades).

Overflow: small chance of deallocating an ICE. Raises alert when succeeds.

Underflow: slowly saps ICE hp. Does not raise alarms.