
gem5.bare-metal for armv8

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Excuse me. I want to run a binary compiled with armv8 compiler in gem5 with fs bare-metal model. I find your project and want to modified for my purpose. I want to know I should change the compiler arm-none-eabi to what? And I should modified what else ? Hope your advises, thx.

Actually I don't get your question yet, can you please elaborate more in detail?

Sorry for not describing my questions clearly. I want to run an armv8 version application in gem5 bare metal mode. would you please tell the modifications I have to make on current project to implement it? which compiler do I have to use and what are the flags? Should I modify the boot.S and other files?

I think the important thing is that you run gem5 with this option:


in order to get the v8 architecture.

For sure, some other changes are necessary, maybe have look here:


If you have a final solution, please share it with a pull request!

Thanks very much. I have make some modifying based your repositories. But having mistakes also. I have described in my repository README.md. Please have a look, I don't understand the compile options. Thx!


I wanted to check if anyone got this work. Thanks

I had no time to do this so far :(

@myzinsky @kjnprince hi, I've described a detailed setup that works on aarch64 at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43682311/uart-communication-in-gem5-with-arm-bare-metal/50983650#50983650

It is recommended that you use VExpress_GEM5_V1 going forward. It handles both arm and aarch64.

@************2 could you create a proper example and open a pull request? I would highly appreciate!

@myzinsky as mentioned on the Stack Overflow answer, there is a working setup on this repo You can extract it from there with --dry-run if you are interested in the Bash commands used. It is not easy to make a simple pull request that just works here as the harder part is perhaps compiling GCC from source for Newlib in aarch64.