
bepress thumbnail identifiers not outbounding

Closed this issue · 6 comments

When we tried to fix the too many identifiers issue, it must have stripped out the thumbnail image identifier which is no longer outbounding in our OAI.

Our contact at Ursinus College noticed that their thumbnails were not displaying: https://dp.la/search?provider%5B%5D=Ursinus+College

I think this is related to how we currently provide at least three dc:identifier fields to the DPLA and order them based on the values they contain, ie the first holds a system-generated local Fedora ID that you ignore, the second holds a link back to the record in the partner's local system, and the last must hold a URL for a thumbnail.

We supressed records with "viewcontent" to get rid of one identifier for Bepress collections and it looked resolved on our end: http://aggregator.padigital.org/?_=1492433130406&f%5Bcontributing_institution_sim%5D%5B%5D=Ursinus+College Thomas Jefferson and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine collections also have blank thumbnails in the DPLA.


If you look at that record there are only two dc:identifiers, one with the fedora id and one with the link.

Connected to #157

Can I get a look at the OAI seed configuration in use in production for one seed for Ursinus, TJU, and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine?

Do you no longer have login credentials to Prod? Should I take a screenshot of each seed config?

screen shot 2017-05-05 at 4 09 18 pm

screen shot 2017-05-05 at 4 09 34 pm

screen shot 2017-05-05 at 4 10 18 pm

Should be addressed by #185