Free Library Thumbnails Not Generating in Prod
rlappel opened this issue · 11 comments
I encountered difficulty even harvesting a passthrough workflow seed on a deployment from the develop branch and drilled down to resolve it with an absurdly-small fix. It allowed me to harvest and thumbnails came through, for this as well as some BePress seeds I had configured.
I’m skeptical that this is the fix that was needed, as ingestion was broken without it for me. I realize there’s information in a number of GitHub issues related to some troubled seed configs, but would it be possible for you to send me one of your passthrough seeds and a BePress seed configured as you have it for production so that I can make sure I’m testing for the exact case you’re seeing? I’ll be happy to test them today ASAP in my local deployment and report back here.
why bepress? it's only free library collections and they have a homegrown system.
Chad has also sent you another login for Prod as well a dump of current seeds.
@kelynch Actually, harvest is broken for FLP seeds for me as well, so I'd love that small fix
@kelynch @rlappel So that small fix does indeed get us back where we need to be for harvesting FLP seeds. It does break the Islandora seeds...but that is what introduced the change, and which are also not in production.
I'd like to merge that change today and deploy so we can reharvest. Then we can address the Islandora issue later. 👍 or 👎 ?
👍 (for what my opinion is worth)
Thanks for the seed info Rachel! The method changed also does some work around BePress thumbnails, hence my curiosity if this fix addresses that as well. It sounds like y'all have this change well in hand today, however I'll go back through today and test with the BePress data shared above and report here what I find.