
Error Message - Paid MoonBot

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I was using MoonBot and it was working smoothly. So, I bought the license, since I liked to have the remote control over my Bot, and MoonBot was still functioning perfectly. However, when I turned off my PT Bot and restated it, alongside with MoonBot, the following message took place:

Error in ProfitTrailer!
2018-02-20 21:52:55 ERROR BinanceWebSocketAdapter24Ticker - Error in websocket message ERROR: -1003, Too many requests; current limit is 1200 requests per minute. Please use the websocket for live updates to avoid polling the API.

Please Help!

Thanks in advance.

This is not moonbot issue, but its a PT issue.
As you see, Moonbot just notified you he found an Error in PT logs (thats part of moonbot work).

You can easily check PT github for more info. https://github.com/taniman/profit-trailer